GUESS WHO'S BACK~ Chapter 24

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I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the impact of a bullet to my skull, but the only thing that came was a dead body. Dylan? Did he shoot himself? I look up to where a shadow was in the doorway "J?"

The figure walks closer to the light and I see his face and all its beautiful glory. "J! How'd you fi- AGH!" I start to express my excitement as I run up to him with open arms, but he greets me with a hard cold stare and the back of his hand to my cheek.

I tear up and whimper, worried that he wants to do the same to me that Dylan wanted to do.

"You got caught! You stupid useless bitch! You were dumb! You trusted! YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT!" He roars, slapping and kicking me.

I spit out blood, scream, and cry but he continues to use my body to let off steam. I look for any sign of remorse in his face but find none, at all.

He flicks his hand towards the goons, signaling for them to get out. They file out of the room messily as if they're scared of staying here any longer.

He stalks towards me his head tilted down but his eyes looking straight at my face. I back up not wanting to be near him at all.

He kneels down in front of me and leans his hand on the floor in front of him " Come. Here." He demands

I reluctantly shuffle towards him, my whole body hurting as I do so. He scoops me up bridal style with a growl.

Even though I hate him right now and he makes me want to puke, I snuggle my face into his shirt. My stupid eyes and head hurt so I wanted to do anything to release any other pain.

He grips my thigh tightly as he readjusts his grip, which makes me whimper and clench his shirt from the pain. Fuck, he must've grabbed a bruise or something.

I think he notices because a second later I hear him mutter "sorry." Let's just say I was beyond stunned.

He carries me back to his purple Lamborghini and gently sits me down in the passenger seat. I watch him as he starts driving back to where I'm guessing is his house, I can't really remember at the moment, I'm a bit discombobulated.

A sudden pain comes to my left side which sends me trying to jerk away from it. I squint my eyes and my eyebrows furrow from the pain. I grip the center console in the car a bit too hard, well hard enough that Joker notices.

He side glances at my hand and scrunched up face, for a second his expression held what looked like remorse. Only for a second though, because after that second, his eyes were glued back onto the road.

His face once again expressionless as he pulls into the long driveway.

He carries me to his room and sits me down on the bed. He takes off my shirt, shorts, and panties. He helps me put underwear and one of his shirts on, his eyes linger on the thumb like bruises that are placed on my hips.

His eyes go dark as he assesses the bruises "What happened?" His voice darker than my soul

I start to get uncomfortable with him staring so I just mutter a barely audible "nothing"

"Who. Did. This." He growls gripping the sheets either side of me

"D-Doctor" that's all I can say really, I don't even know his name.

He stands up abruptly and paces, out of nowhere he punches the wall and makes a hole. I jump back in fright and instantly regret it when my bruises and cuts remind me of their presence.

He huffs in defeat, takes off his clothes, turns the light out and climbs into bed with me. He wraps his arms around me and snuggles into my neck, getting as close as he can.

I like him like this. When he's not being mean or loud. When he's just, calm.

What he did to me tonight was disgusting but I just need someone to cuddle with right now and he's here so I'm not gonna deny it.

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank youuuuuuuu :)  

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