Where Are You Now?- Chapter 21

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I wake up after god knows how long. Once again I'm being carried.

No no no please don't make me get shocked again, I can't stand it. My limbs are stiff and sore from the last one, plus my brain feels like it's fried even more than it did straight after. Also the voices screamed louder than me last time.

We reach the exact same room as last time but the equipment isn't the same. I can barely see since my vision is all blurry but I spot what looks like a metal tray, that's all I see before I'm thrown back onto the same chair.

They tie all my limbs down once again but this time with no protests from me since I'm as limp as a rag doll. Same as last time, there are a few doctors there except the hot doctor Harleen and the main doctor is different.

"What do we have here" The doctor says creepily, slapping his gloves onto his hands

"No no, don't" I barely mumble out but stop myself so i don't choke on my own puke

"You know, the Indians believed that blood, holds all the bad spirits. Once a month in ceremonies they would cut themselves to let the spirits go free. I thought, there's something... smart about that. So, to cure horrible people like yourself, we have to let the bad spirits out of your body." (Hello Tate reference) 🖤

I feel him putting the cold knife on various parts of my body but not cutting. I feel him lift up my trousers and t-shirt, he stops at my stomach and presses harder making that area sting like hell and go warm. He drags the knife down excruciatingly slow then comes up to my face and cuts the side of my neck.

"motherfuker!" I scream as i try to pull away

He then goes right beneath my collarbone, to my thigh without the tattoos then one more close to my shoulder. Oh my god im gonna puke im gonna puke im gonna... I puked. Luckily i was able to look to my right in time and not get it on me, the table or anyone else.

I start seeing black dots then everything turns into one big black dot. I might be passed out but oddly enough i can still hear everything going on around me. "Ugh disgusting." I hear a male voice mutter

I try to jolt away from the stinging coming from my cuts but am unsuccessful as i can't move any part of my body.

Every few seconds I'd get a rest from the sting but then it's just start again. The voices in my head were all shouting "KILL!" To the guy who was hurting me.

Finally after what felt like hours the stinging stopped and I felt someone carrying me. I didn't hear the same buzzing that I usually heard when they put me in my cell though.

This time I heard water running, like a bath or bucket was being filled. The person that was carrying me undressed me (which made me feel totally violated, though I should be use to it by now.) I feel the guard unwrap his arms from me and a buckle being fiddled with.

I try to pry my eyes open and luckily after a few attempts my eyes finally open to see I'm in an extremely warm bath with a big sheet thing over my body, a small hole for my head in it. I try getting out and punching the sheet thing but it feels like fucking tarpaulin.

I groan in discomfort for my knuckles and cuts. What the heck am I even doing in a bath anyway? I'm pretty sure this isn't their normal baths around here.

30 minutes later

I've been in this damn hot water long enough that my toes and fingers have pruned up. When I first woke up i was panicky, annoyed and wanted to know what the fucks going on. Now I'm panicky, annoyed and still wanna know what the fucks going on. I just feel like the water has drained the energy from me and all I wanna do now is sleep.

Finally after like 5 more minutes a guard comes in with water and fuckin 4 pills for me to swallow.

"Swallow these and you can get out of the tub. If you resist you stay in the tub all night, got it?" He says with the best bitch face I've ever seen. Apart from jokers

"Holy shit" I say astonished

He looks down at me and raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything

"You have one of the best resting bitch faces I have ever seen" I giggle out

"Just take the fucking pills"

"Jeez okay mr bitch face" I lazily giggle. I take my four pills with water so mr bitch face sticks to his end of the negotiation and unstraps me from the bath.

I get out with shaky legs quickly covering myself up. I dry myself and my hair a little bit, once I'm finished drying myself mr bitch face throws my clothes to me which consist of a white singlet and dirty white shorts. I'm glad they were "nice" enough to give me shorts considering it's summer now.

I go to walk up to him but he roughly pushes me against the wall and pulls my hands to the back of me.

"Ah fuck mind the cuts would ya? I'm fragile and mistah J wouldn't like to see me being treated this way... unless he was the one doing it, but if he was doing it he'd probably just be horny and wanting to have sex with me. I like it rough and kinky and so does he so, win win" I smirk

Mr bitch face just shoves and pushes me down the bloodstained halls. I can barely keep up with his walking pace, luckily I have long legs.

2 hours later

I've been sitting in my cell for, what I've counted to be 2 hours now. I can't get to sleep despite them giving me all those pills. I've been writing and drawing things on the walls with a random piece of charcoal I found in the floor under my bed.

I've drawn some of my favourite lyrics from songs and drawn some of my tattoos. I drew my fuckin tragic life story with this charcoal.

"Hey, pssst" I get a fright and throw what's left of my charcoal at the window

"Miss me? Come on baby I've come to get you out" he says with a cocky smirk

Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank youuuuuuuu :)  

Sorry for the long wait. I've been a bit busy these holidays. I go back to school on the 3rd of February... ugh. I'm year 10 this year! First year of high school done second year this year. I can't wait to get it over and done with.

QUESTION: what do you wanna be when your older?

MY ANSWER: My first pick is for Jared Leto to be my sugar daddy and daddy in general but if that doesn't work out I wanna be a psychiatrist. 😂😂

How bout you?

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