The Encounter- Chapter 3

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"what's that?" caisey asks and both of the officer's head turn towards me and her

"what?" i ask confused

"that bracelet thing" she says and they all are now looking down at my black bracelet with a white J on it.



"uh, well my parents got it for me when my dog died." i said taking in a deep breath. Why didn't i just say they got it for me when my brother died? His name started with a J.

"i thought his name was charlie?" she said narrowing her eyes at me even more

"it was"

"then why does your bracelet have a J on it?" she says. she looks like she's getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Then she gets all excited... talk about bipolar much.

"omg omg omg do you have a boyfriend now? Did he give you that? Does his-"

"No! I don't have a boyfriend." i say getting annoyed, more at myself for forgetting i had the bracelet on and showing it off. Why didn't I just say it was for my brother when he died? His name started with a J.

"well then how did you get it?" she asked once again narrowing her eyes at me

"heres your class girls and don't think about running off again" said the older cop. Saved by class. whew.

Our whole class looked up at us in shock. Probably because we're getting escorted to class by TWO COPS. Great now we're gonna have a whole bunch of questions thrown our way. Me and caisey go and sit down together at the back of the class.

People in my class started whispering and gossiping to each other. probably about mine and caisey's unusual entrance to class. The teacher hushes everyone and goes outside to talk to the officers. As soon as she left we got our mc Donald's out and started eating.

"omg that officer was so hot" "what do you think happened?" "i bet they killed someone" "i heard they helped the joker escape"


"people are acting like we're complete thugs!" i whisper yelled to caisey with a handful of chips in my mouth.

She shrugged at me and then gave me a mischievous smirk as if she had an idea. Oh no. Her ideas always end up getting us into some kind of trouble, small or big. Not that I can say much right now though.

"I have an idea" she said

"Oh really? I couldn't tell" I said sarcasm lacing my voice

"We could convince everyone th-" she got cut of by a whole group of people in our class coming up to us and asking questions

"Is it true you killed someone?"

"Is it true you helped dead shot kill people?"

"Did you really rob a jewellery store?"

"How much money would you rob from a bank?"

"Why did two police officers escort you here?"

"Why are you back at school so early? I heard the joker beat you guys up"

"Do you sell weed now?"

"Class! Get back in your seats right now otherwise you all will be coming back after school!" Everyone started going back to their seats. Pretty soon everything seemed back to normal... Or as close as it could get.

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