Chapter 1

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Jen's POV
'Hey bae! We uploaded the new video! Go check it out!'
I smiled at Katie's text and instantly opened my YouTube app and found what I was looking for.
They sang a piano cover of Those Nights by Skillet that the three of us had filmed last week at Maddy's house.
I listened to it through my earphones as I walked through WalMart, gathering items from my mother's grocery list. As it finished I typed out a new tweet.

@jennruth93: my girls @kaddymatie just put up another cover! Check it out! Link in bio!

I added the url link to my twitter bio before sending Katie a message back.

'I loved it bae! So good!'

Within seconds I had a reply.

'Thanks bae! See you later?'

'Absolutely! This new car is doing wonders for me! Tell Maddy hi!'

I trudged through the rest of the store and headed to the checkout lanes. Most of them were full unfortunately but I found a self checkout that was free. Just as I put my first item into the bag, my phone buzzed.
"Jesus," I muttered, "can't go five minutes."
I took it out of my jacket pocket and read it.

"Jen, you're late for your shift! Get here when you can!"

I rolled my eyes and checked the time before pressing the call button.
"Jen! What the heck? Where are you?" My manager Taylor said concerned.
"I'm not working today, Taylor! It's someone else."
"I just looked at it. It says you."
"Crap. Okay, I have to finish getting these groceries and take them home. I won't get there for another half hour."
"Just do you best, girl. I'll see you when you get here."
I bought my items and hurried out to my car. My dad finally gave in and helped me get a new car since mine died almost two years ago.
I texted Katie before heading home.
'Got called into work. I'll text you when I'm on my way over tonight. Sorry girl.'
@jennruth: got called into work only to find out we had more than enough people -_-

@Katiebabes10: @jennruth93 COME OVER NOW THEN!

@jennruth93: @Katiebabes10 can't. Got roped into staying.

@Katiebabes10: @jay4today LET JEN LEAVE! @jennruth93

@jay4today: @Katiebabes10 @jennruth93 do I have to?

@jennruth93: @jay4today @Katiebabes10 -_- *rolling my eyes*

@Katiebabes10: @jay4today I don't think I care about your useless opinion right now, Jay.

@jay4today: @Katiebabes10 she either stays or gets written up. Pick your poison.

I laughed at my assistant manager's reply to Katie just as he walked through the front doors.
"That Katie is ruthless."
I shrugged. "I know. But seriously, if I could get cut early today that would be fucking fantastic."
"I'll think about it." He headed to the back and I was left to my thoughts.
I eventually was let off for the day and I was more than relieved. I was anxious to get to Katie's and just have a girls night. We don't get them very often and I cherish them considering they're the only friends I have left.

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