Chapter 15

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Jen's POV
My feet carried me downstairs for breakfast slowly. Harry and I had stayed up late last night. Big mistake.
"Good morning, sleepy head." Louis snickered.
I sent him a glare. "Shut up, Lou. I'm not in the mood for your shit today."
I plopped down beside Katie and laid my head on my arms.
"Someone had a late night." Niall muttered.
I groaned. "Jesus Christ, Niall. You shut up too."
"What did you do?" Katie asked softly as she nibbled at her waffles.
"Harry and I stayed up watching all four Hunger Games movies." I muttered.
"Wow. Where is Harry?"
"Still in bed. I told him breakfast ends soon but he didn't even budge. He just grunted so I left. I figured I'd bring him back something."
Katie chuckled. "Well get up there. It went fast this morning. Niall was hungry."
I shook my head and got up, making my way to the food.
My stomach growled at the sight of the fresh blueberry muffins. I grabbed a plate and filled it with two muffins, cheesy eggs and ham, and bacon. I made a second plate for Harry of about the same thing.
"Nice choices." My boyfriend's deep and raspy morning voice rang in my ears.
I turned and smiled. "Well good morning." I held out his plate. "For you, handsome."
I leaned down and kissed my cheek softly. "Thank you, baby."
"Mhm." I picked up my plate and the two of us got glasses of orange juice before sitting next to Niall and Katie.
"Where is Maddy?" I asked, looking around for the red haired girl.
"Out. She said she needed to get something as soon as the store opened." Katie stated.
"Oh. Who went with her?" Harry asked with a full mouth.
"Mark. He offered, actually." Louis leaned over from the other table. "Maddy banged on my door at six am this morning asking me weird questions. Mark heard her and stepped into the hall, excited to have something to do. The two of them took off at seven."
"What'd she ask you?" I asked him.
"My favorite color, my shoe size and if I had any clothes in that color. Then she asked what my favorite past time is."
"And?" Harry asked.
"I told her I like a good game of FIFA." He shrugged.
I glanced over at Katie with a smirk on my face. "He has no idea, does he?"
She smiled and shook her head. "Nope."
"When is she gonna be back?" Harry asked.
"Hopefully soon." Louis exclaimed. "We have a meeting about the ep in an hour."
"We do?" I asked.
He scoffed. "Do you still not check your email?"
I shrugged. "I was busy last night. I didn't exactly think to check the email I barely use."
"You are the only person I know who doesn't check their email daily, Jennifer." Liam said, finally joining the conversation.
"Why would I need to check my email when you lot could just tell me things in person?" I took a bite of my eggs.
Harry chuckled. "That's my girl's way of telling you shits off."
"She needs to be more grateful." Louis sassed. "I just dropped a few grand in her damn bank account."
My fork fell from my hand as I whipped around. "You what?"
"You what?" Katie asked.
"You did what?" Harry exclaimed.
"Dude, what the hell?" Niall laughed.
"Alright, clearly she didn't read that email either." Liam replied.
Louis tapped on his phone for a few seconds before handing it to me.
"Dear Miss Robinson, welcome to Triple Strings Ltd. We are excited for you to join our team. Courtesy of Louis Tomlinson, you have been given the position of the manager of Kaddy&Matie. Please reply soon so that we may send you the required paperwork. We're excited to have you as part of our team."
I furrowed my brows. "You just quoted the entire email word for word."
"I know." He snatched his phone out of my hand. "I wrote it. I'll have you sign the papers at our meeting. Don't be late ladies." He stood up and left the room.
I took my phone out of my pocket and opened my email. I read the same email again. "I can't believe this."
"That's awesome, Jen! It's an official contract." Katie nudged my arm excitedly.
"This was so worth it." I smiled.
"What was worth it?" Harry asked.
"Quiting my job and coming on tour."
He choked on the food in his full mouth. Once he swallowed his eyes went wide. "You quit your job for this?"
I nodded. "Yes. The girls wanted me to come with. I told you guys I'd do anything for them. They're my best friends and they're all I've got."
"Why do you keep saying that?" Niall asked.
"Because it's true."
Katie touched his arm. "We can talk later. Let's go upstairs. I have to get ready."
Katie, Liam and Niall left the room and Harry and I sat in silence.
"Tell me more about your family." Harry whispered. "Please?"
"There isn't a lot to say, Harry. After I got out of the relationship with my ex, my family kept me at arm's length because of things I've done. When I met Katie and Maddy I was in a dark place. They pulled me out and I thank them everyday by doing anything they need of me."
Harry kissed my cheek lightly. "I love how strong and brave you are. I'm so happy you're here."
"I am too. Thank you."
We finished our breakfast and Harry walked me back to the room I was sharing with the girls, not that Katie and I have been sleeping in the same room with Maddy lately.
"I'll see you after your meeting. I have some recording to do."
My face lit up. "So there is going to be a new 1D album?"
He nodded. "Of course there is. Every November. We never let our fans down."
"Have fun."
"You too."
I entered the room and saw the girls playing their ukes. I started getting dressed, since I'd already showered in Harry's room. My makeup bag has made permanent residence in his suitcase.
I sang along as they played all of my favorites, aka all of their original songs.
"Hey bae?" Katie said after they'd stopped.
"Did you tell him?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Just the basics though. I'll go into detail when I'm ready. What'd you tell Niall?"
"Exactly what we'd rehearsed."

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