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Skye's P.O.V.
The three of us get back to our cabin and I run to get changed. I change into my short  jean shorts. A tight black t-shirt that is cut to show my belly button piercing. I put on a fake diamond stud and some black converse. When I walk out. I see both Johnny and Pony in their boxers. "What is this a strip club!?" I joke and walk over to Pony and give him a kiss. His hands go to my bare waist and he pulls and I wince and pull away. I go look at my side In a mirror and sure enough. There is a huge bruise. Oh well Dally needs to see what he did anyways. I give Johnny a kiss on the check and Pony a peck on the lips. And walk out to find Soda, Steve ,and Two bending over the pier trying to reach the air mattress. Man this was too easy. I go over and kick Soda, then Steve , then Two bit in the lake. They come up looking confused.
"What was that for princess?" Soda asked.
"For putting me on the lake. What did you think!?" I say back sarcastically. Steve was the first one out and the first to notice my bruise. He gently brushes his fingers over it shaking his head. "Your a tough girl." He says. I shake my head no and walk off before I started to cry.

Breakfast was good bacon and eggs. I helped Darry clean up. But that was a mistake because I was swarmed with questions about my bruise.
"Why didn't you tell me Skye?" He asks "it wasn't a big deal." I respond. He looks me in the eye and says, "You are like my little sister now. You can tell me anything. I will understand." I give him a huge hug. And he hugs back. Then Pony walks in looking confused. I shake my head and walk out with him. Our hand find each other's. We walk over to the canoes. We get in and Pony rows to the middle of the lake.
"It's so pretty here Pony!" I say looking at my surroundings
"Not as pretty as the girl sitting in from of me." He makes me melt. He leans in and I close the gap. This kiss is different than the others. Full of lust. He asks for entrance and gladly give it to him. His hands go to my waist mine wrap around his neck and one is tangled in his hair. We finally pulled away for air in like a million years. Then we heard Dally screaming at us.
"You two get your asses back here I have had enough of that lovely doevey stuff that you two do!!!" Man was he mad. So that ended my lovely afternoon with Pony. We headed back and that was the first time that Dally had seen my side. His eyes went wide at the realization that he had done that. "Oh man I am turning into dad." He mutters. I run and tackle him in a hug. "No your not turning into dad Dally. You are nothing like him!" I cried into him as I told him that. It was true. He was not my father. My father is nothing like him.  He looks at me "But you said-" I cut him off. "No Dal I didn't mean that. You are the best big brother anyone could ask for. " By this time, I was bawling. Dally even shed a single tear. I looked up at him and said "Come on, you're a Winston, and Winston's don't cry!" The gang gasped at the fact that Dally cried. I ran knowing he was going to kill me.

Dally's P.O.V.
I was going to kill Skye for ruining my rep. But I won't hurt her, just throw her in the lake. I tell Pony to help me cuz I can't catch her. But turns out I didn't need Pony. After a while of running, her side must have hurt cuz she doubled over in pain. I picked her up like I was bringing her back the the cabin. Her face was in my chest so she couldn't see where I was taking her. I bring her to the pier and whisper to her, "This is what happened when you ruin my rep." And I throw her in the lake. She screams as she hits that water. But she doesn't come up. I wait. Still nothing. So I jump in. I've been looking for almost a mins before Soda notices that Skye is under the pier.
"Ha that's what you get for throwing me in the lake!" She yells at me. Ugh why does she have to take advantage of my love for her.

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