Bed Time

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Skye's P.O.V.
After a smashing marshmallows fight. I walk back to my cabin to take a shower. Just for fun I use up all the hot water. I get out and quickly change in to my pajamas. As soon as I walk out of the shower Pony runs in. I chuckle as he hops in and yelps. I laugh.
"Your welcome Pony I used all the hot water!!!" I say in between laughs. He jumps out his lips are blue and he is shivering. I walk over a give him a hug. I rub his bare arms giving him warmth. He turns around and goes to change. The other boys don't care and strip down to their boxers like in front of me and change or go to bed like that. Pony comes out, he still looks cold. I hop in bed and Pony follows. Johnny hits the lights and we fall asleep. But I had a horrible dream.
I'm laying on the floor crumpled in pain. Why am I in pain? Dallas, Soda, Darry. They are beating me. They hate me. Pony joins in. But Johnny came and stops them. He grabs me and carries me away before the blackness takes a hold of me. The last thing I hear was Johnny telling me he loved me and that I don't deserve to die.
I wake up in a cold sweat and screaming. Pony was shanking me. No not him, Dally walks over I run to the corner. Soda tries to give me a hug. No. I run to Johnny he opens his arms for a hug. And I take the hug gladly. I sob into his chest. He strokes my hair as he carries me bridal style outside.
"What happened Skye. You can tell me." He says in a reassuring tone. And I tell hi. About the dream and how scared I am of them.
"They won't hurt you. Dally may at times but he wants what's best for you. Soda, Darry, and Pony love you. They would never hurt you." He sounds so certain of this that I believe him. "Johnny will you sleep next to me tonight?" I ask my crying stopped when he looks at me with his big beautiful brown eyes and says "of course baby doll. I'm always here for you. When no one else is, I am." He says and kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek and we walk back inside. I go to the bathroom but wait before coming back out. I hear the boys talking.
"Johnny what happened? Why did she look so scared of us?!" Pony asks rather harshly.
"Hey man, she had a bad dream. You guys were beating her. She didn't know why. She said it was cuz y'all, hated her. She asked me to sleep next to her tonight. She said I was the one who saved her I her dream. I held her as she died." Johnny had told them everything. I walk back out and get in bed. Soda ran out. Johnny came and laid next to me. I cuddled into his chest as Darry came running in. I hid into Johnny's chest as he tried to talk to me.
"Skye," he says in a pleading tone,"You know that we all love you and that we would never hurt you. That was a dream!" He started to cry. I couldn't look at him though. I just clung to Johnny. "Darry try again in the morning. She's scared half to death!" Johnny said. Pony scoffed and got in bed next to Johnny. Johnny never let go of me. And I never let go of him.

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