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Skye's P.O.V.
When I wake up. Johnny is still holding me. I look at him while he sleeps. His lips look soft and comforting. He looks younger and innocent when he is sleeping. But then again he is young and innocent. He wakes up and smiles at me. And his smile makes me melt. No stop your dating Pony. You can't think like that. We get up and I change in the bathroom. Because it's hot out already. I wear my red bikini under. No top and some short jean shorts. When I walk out. Soda, Dally, Pony, and Darry are standing there, waiting for me. I back up slowly. My eyes dart from boy to boy, landing on Johnny. He steps in. "Look y'all are scaring her. Come on use your heads." He walks over to me and I cling onto him. Only Soda walks up. I hug Johnny tighter.
"It's me princess. I would never hurt you!" He says. "It's just Soda. He won't hurt you. He loves you. It's Soda." I tell my self this over and over again. Only so I could hear. Soda opens his arms for a hug. And I take the hug. He lifts me and spins me around. He sets me down. Then Darry walks over. I shrink behind Johnny and Soda.
"Skye what did I do to you in your dream?" I want to tell him. He beat me. He told me I wasn't good enough for Pony. He said I was a worthless slut. "You beat me. You told me I wasn't good enough for Pony. You said I was a worthless slut and that I didn't deserve to live. " I choke out and start crying. Soda steps by Darry. "It's just Darry princess he loves you. He would never think of doing or saying what he did in that horrible dream." It takes me a little longer to walk over and give Darry a hug. But I do. And he is happy when I do.
Then Dally walks over. No not Dally I'm not ready to face him or Pony yet. They were the worst in the dream. Dally was saying that I should have died with mom and that he hates me and he hates that he has to take care of me. And when I tell him. He starts to cry. "Baby girl, you are my sunshine. I don't know what my life would be without you in it. Don't be scared of me. " he is practically begging me. I'm trying to forgive and hug him. After what seems like ten minutes I give in and hug him. He hugs me back and spins me around cursing with happiness. I laugh. He sets me down and Pony walks up. No I'm not ready to face Pony. He told me he hated me. That I was a no good broad that he picked up to make Johnny jealous. And he said that he never loved me and that he never should have asked me to be his girl. That hurt even if it was a dream. Before he can say anything. Two and Steve walk in. I take the chance and bolt out the door. I'm almost to the other cabin when I'm tackled to the ground. By Pony. I start screaming bloody murder. My breathing gets faster. I'm staring to panic. He sees this and gets up and I crawl away. Johnny comes running and I scramble to my feet and hug him. He is my life line. I need Johnny Cade. By this time I'm crying when the others get here. Soda is yelling at Pony. "It's not his fault I'm a wreck!" I say rather quietly. Pony walks over with hurt in his beautiful grey green eyes. But I can't look at him. He grabs my hand. It takes all my strength to not pull it away. He sounds hurt when he says "Skye I love you and it's killing me to see you like this. That I can't help you. So let me help you." I tell him everything that he did in the dream and his eyes go wide. Everyone's eyes go wide except for Johnny's. He just holds me closer and tighter. If I didn't know any better Pony looked down right furious. I wasn't prepared when he.......

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