Hanging Out

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Johnny's P.O.V.
After recovering from the prank and Pony getting stuck in his shirt the three of us climb on the roof. Pony had lunch up there for us and we hung out up there watching the others having a race around the lake. Skye leaned against me. It was getting real hot I was regretting wearing my jeans jacket. But Sky sat up and took off her shirt giving me a chance to take off my jacket. She was wearing a bikini top under her shirt. Her bruise was bad. I brush my fingers over it and her breath hitched. She glanced up and me and smiled as to say "I'm ok". Pony unpacked lunch and we came and ate.

Pony's P.O.V.
I saw Skye laying in Johnny's lap and got hit with a pang of jealousy. But she told me she loved me. She sat up took off her top, Johnny his jacket and she laid back down on him. He brushes his fingers over her bruised side. It looked like the tissue had died. She looks at him and smiles. Like she liked what he was doing. I stop them by calling them to come get some food. We sit in a triangle position so no one feels left out. Skye doesn't eat much. Me and Johnny eat the rest of the food that I packed. Skye gets up and stands at the edge of the roof by a tree. Before I knew it she jumped. Me and Johnny yelled and ran as fast as we could...

Skye's P.O.V.
I see a nice spot in a tree jumping distance from the roof. I stand up walk to the edge. And jump. I hear Pony and Johnny yell as I grab the tree branch. I pull myself up and sit. My side is now throbbing, great. Johnny was the first to jump after me. He sits next to me in the tree. Pony was last and almost missed. But he made it. I give him my seat and sit on his lap.
"Let's prank the others. On three we scream. They can't see us up here!" I say. The boys agree. We scream as loud as we could making it sound like we were in trouble. All the guys came running. But they couldn't find us. Dal and Soda looked like they were going to loose it. Then again so was Darry. Two Bit and Steve were scared shitless. I saw Dally standing directly under the tree. I took my chance and jumped onto his back. He screamed like a girl and set me down. He hugged me. Then everyone else did as the boys climbed down the tree saying "You ladies just got pranked" I was laughing. By that time it was time for dinner.

Soda's P.O.V.
I was scared out of my mind about those three. Thank god it was only a prank. But I could tell that Darry and Dally were scared shitless too. We love those three like siblings. They kind of are. But it's time for dinner
-------at campfire-----
We were all sitting around the campfire. Roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. Just when I thought that things were calming down, Johnny smashes a marshmallow Skye's face. It was everywhere. On her nose, in her hair. She then lit a marshmallow on fire and chucked it at Johnny while it was on fire. I've never seen Johnny move so fast in his life. Skye took his seat next to me and asked "what are you laughing at?" Just as I was going to say something she took Steve's marshmallows off his stick that he had just roasted to perfection and rubbed it in my face and HAIR!!
"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" I yell as I try to get some marshmallows out of my hair. By this time the whole gang is laughing. A pick Skye up and carry her to the pier. She was trying to get out of my grasp when"OWWWWW SODA MY SIDE PUT ME DOWN OWWW!" oh no I hurt my princess! I out her down and we are at the edge of the pier. I help her stand and she pushed me in the lake. It was all a part of her plan. And with that she walked off to her cabin.

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