Perchance a Dream

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Chapter 2 

I woke up to someone running there hand through my hair and hushed whispers.  

"I Think she's coming around," I heard my mom say. The hand running through my hair had stopped. 

"I should have gotten here earlier," This time it was Bruce.  

"She wouldn't' have gone there at all if it weren't for me," said Travis, causing me to open my eyes.   

"Mom," I whispered lightly, surprised by how weak I sounded.  

She answered me by  starting to run her hand through my hair again.  

" I'm so sorry, I should have told you the truth," I heard her repeating over an over again.  

"Nah it's all good," I said, and blinked my eyes a few times to clear my vision. "So when am I getting out of here?"  

She sighed "Tomorrow morning, the bullet didn't do a lot of damage, you just lost some blood. The stitches should come of in 10 day's- " She was interrupted by her phone ringing, leading her to leave them room. That's when I noticed Bruce and Eric staring each other down.  

"So would anybody like to tell me how long I've been here," I ask, while stretching, which consequently led to me winking in pain.  

"24 hours, in counting," said Travis. I sighed.  

"So Bruce, what's going on between you and my mother? I just heard that I'm your offspring," I say and start to giggle.  I look at Bruce and then at Travis and notice that both are staring at me like I'm missing out on something.  

That's when I remember what happened . My dad shooting a me because I wasn't his daughter. Bruce telling me to run. Travis holding me until everything went black.  

I closed my eyes and groaned. Two minutes ago I thought all that was a dream.  

"I'm really your daughter, aren't I? And you were there too," I say staring at Travis and Bruce.  

Bruce and Travis nodded in unison. I sighed. "So munch for having a normal life." I say and giggle again. 'Does your mom know you’re here?" I ask Travis.   

"Yeah, I called her last night," he say's rubbing the back of his neck.  "She should be here soon," he added. 

I think this through, maybe he's staying here just to miss school. " Are you here because you just want want miss school?" I say before I can sop myself.  

"First you make me promise not to leave you alone for a second, and now your saying I'm here just to  ditch school?" he say running is hand through his dark brown hair. That's when See dark circles under his eyes.

Even with dark bags under his eyes, he could be on the cover of a magazine. High Cheekbones, full lips, tan skin, a height of more than 6 feet and a killer smile. But that's not the best part of him, it's his eyes. Chocolate brown eyes that you can stare into forever. Eyes that make you feel like telling your deepest darkest secrets. There like a drug you can't get enough of. But that's what the girls I used to play soccer with said. I've never looked into his eyes. Maybe because I don't have the guts or maybe its just because deep inside I'm afraid of making direct eye contact with someone. 

My thoughts are interrupted when his phone starts ringing

" Bye," he say's leaving the room. I close my eyes and start counting sheep, but before I could get to ten I was sucked into a nightmare. 

   I found my self standing in the middle of a deserted road. I turn in a circle and take in my surroundings. Large tree, one street lamp, and two car heading towards each other from the opposite sides of the road.  I jumped out of there way and fall against a tree. 

   The two car crashed. For a second all i could see was shatter glass and bent metal. I screamed and ran towards them. I looked into the red car and see there was no one in it. Bu when I looked into the blue car I see my grandma and grandpa laying limp and drenched in blood. There eyes open but no life in them.  I bring a shaky hand up to cover my mouth. I turn around to run for help but run smack into some one. 

 I look up and find my dad staring at me. No, no staring. Glaring. I push away from, and this time I bump into mom. Before I could say anything I hear a gone shot and my mom falls to the ground. With out looking back I run. Run like my life depends on. I see Travis, I run to him but the faster i run the farther away he moves. I hear the gunshot again, and look up just in time to see Travis fall to the ground. 

No I scream.  

 I woke up tangled in my blanket. My hospital gown was now sweaty and clinging to my body. I took a few shacky breaths and sat up. The clock on the wall read 1:00 am. 

Just ten more hours to go I thought to myself. 

I brought me knees to my chest and started rocking back and forth, repeating it's just a dream . 

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