Chapter 14

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Alec's pov 

I turned and saw who the growl came from and froze. It was Danny's father. He was sill 6'3 and as buff as a guy his age could get.

"What are you doing here?"  he growled. 

"I'm here for Samantha. It's her first transformation. Se needs me." I said trying o keep my voice steady. 

"You had the option of being there for her for he past 2 years. But I never saw you by her side," he said gruffly. "An now hat you're here the main question is, are you willing to stay?" 

"I - I don't know," I said. 

"Well you have 5 seconds to make up your mind. I am not going to let you hurt my girl gain." 

"okay," I said with a sigh. What else did I have to do? I was going o have to switch schools. Which was a plus and would help me forge about Lizzy.

"Go find her boy," he said and walked away.

I sniffed around me until I came to kitchen. I looked around a bit and that's when I saw her. She was sitting right infront of a window looking out in hopes to find something. The fading sun outlined her light brown hair and brown skin. Her eyelashes shined in the light. Her long legs were pulled towards her chest. I moved and she stiffened. she turned to look a me and shock flickered across her eyes,

Samamtha's Pov- 

I looked out the window. I'd been siting here all day bored out of y mind. A times I wished we still had school. I saw Danny's sister Tinsley and Jack running around playing tag. They looked happy. I saw Tinsley fall of swing and gasped. Shit.  I took in a deep breath and that's when I smelled him. Alec. 

I tuned my head and looked a him. His tan skin, tousled black hair and killer body.  But th best part of him. His dark gray eyes. 

He opened his mouh to say something but I cut him of. 

"I have to go," I said throwing my coke can in the garbage and pressing the elevator button, I was on the third flour. Ti opened right away and I got into it. I wasn't ready to talk to Alec not yet. I had to many questions to sort through. 

"Sam...," he was cut of by the door closing. I sighed and quickly pressed the main floor button. It had taken ages for us to fix this stupid elevator. 'Hurry up, hurry,' I said under my breath and flew out when it finally opened. 

"Tinsley," screamed when I heard her cry's from outside. I lifted her of the ground and out er on the bench. "You have to be more careful," I scolded her. She started to cry. "Where does it hurt?" I asked. She took in a watery breath. 

"My head," she whispered holding back a sob. 

"It's okay,' I whispered into her ear pulling her into me. "Time o go inside Jack." I carried her towards Danny's moms room. The door was open so I just walked in. 

" Mom," I screamed. "Tinsley's hurt." and that's all it took for all the other wolfs to hear. Seconds later everyone was in her room. I handed her over and walked up the stairs taking my time. I didn't wan o face him again. I didn't want him to be here tonight if he was going to leave when I woke up. I rubbed the back of my neck while pulling my hair back into a messy bun. I ran up the last few stairs and made my way to my bedroom when all of a sudden my phone went of. 

I groaned and answered. "Hello." 

"Hey," said Kyle on he other end. My best friend since the past 2 years. 

"Are you coming to the bonfire tom?" he asked. I could hear the T.V in the backround. 

"I think," I said hoping I was still okay in the morning. 

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