Chapter 12

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I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. It's been two years since I've lived in this building. This is te same building I found my mate in. And he same building he rejected me in. The same building I turned fifteen in and now the same building I'm going to turn sixteen in. 

Adam and Danny had becomes brothers to me. Overprotective ones. We'd started our own pack and our number had went up from 10 to 80. I'd learnt how to  control my powers. I felt complete a times. But at others I remembered the life I had two years ago. I had questions back then and I still have questions today. I still wonder where my mate is and why he rejected me. I still wonder why how Lucy guys are doing and if Travis wonders why I'm missing. 

But with turning sixteen came fear. Fear of what would happen tonight. If I would be able to get through my first transformation without a mate. It's been said that no she wolf has survived a transformation with out her mate. I all ways thought that was a lie. but now looking back at what Adam had said and  I question what I believe. What if I die? What if he doesn't show up? What if the dark ones show up?

I shook the thought away and came out of my room and ran smack into Danny's mom. 

"Morning," I say as I smell in her trade mark sent. Mint. I hugged her. 

"Happy birthday sweetheart," she whispered into my ear and pulled away just as Adam and Danny made there way upstairs.

"How my little sis doing today?" asked Adam ruffling my hair. He turned 18 last month two weeks after graduating from Abby Traditional. 

"Very good, thx for asking," I said sarcastically as Danny pulled me into a bear hug. Adam, Danny and here families were now like my family. After two years of not seeing the my old friends and family I finally had to accept what the truth was. After searching and questioning I had found out the witch tribe that I was part of had left Abbotsford. There was no sign of Travis, and Lucy guy's. They just disappeared. Just Like my mate. At times I was afraid my new life was going to disappear too. I was afraid I would loose everything and everyone I now thought was family. 

"So what do you want to do today?' he asked. He was the same age as Adam. They both had found their mates. Adam at sixteen, after the change, and Danny at 17.  They still didn't know my mate had rejected me. They new my mate had rejected me. They also new they had to find someone to help me through the transformation. I looked into Danny's eyes and saw worry clouding them. 

"Where are Emma and Latoya?"  I asked. Emma was his mate while Latoya was Adams. 

"Right here," said Latoya hugging me from behind and then going in to give Adam a kiss. I looked away hoping they didn't see the pain that clouded my eyes. Ever since my mate had run away I had looked for him but only found his name. Alec. No last name. Just Alec. Protector of Man Kind. 

"Happy Birthday," said Emma ruffling my hair which were now up to my waist. After my first meeting with the Dark Ones I'd refused to cut it. 

"Thx," I answered. And silently walked away as the four started up there own conversation. 

I skipped down the stairs and noticed the silence. I reached the main kitchen and grabbed an apple and sat next to the window. Again the thought of going through the transformation alone sent a shiver down my back. 

Where are you Alec? I thought looking out the window and watched the summer sun burn the concrete ground. 

"I need you," I whispered hoping he would be able to hear.


I'm sorry I know this is short and confusing. Even I don't know what's going on. I skipped two years of her life because I had know idea of what to do after chapter 9. Sorry for the grammar . :P 

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