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" Stop," I screamed and woke up. I heard footsteps and then my door opening. I screamed as a figure moved towards me.

"Whats wrong?" asked Malcom. 

"He's trying to kill me. He doesn't... He-he-he doesn't love me anymore. He wants me dead," I sobbed. This was the forth time I'd woken up screaming this week.But tonight dream was more vivid. It felt real. 

" I'm calling mom," said Malcom

"No don't," I said finally getting control of myself. " I'm okay now," I added wiping my eyes. 

" No your not. Tonight's the forth time this has happened. What happened at Wills football game?" he asked. 

" She ran into the fire and saved someone life," answered someone. Will. 

I looked at the time. 12:00 pm. 

"I'm sorry I woke you guys up,' I whispered. "You guys should go get some sleep," I rubbed my eyes and got up. I did not want to talk about the fire. It was over. Part of the past now. 

I opened the window. The soft wind felt good against my sweaty skin. It was a full moon. I hate weeknights. Lucy all ways came home from her shift at the hospital at 2 or 3. 

" Aren't you gonna go to sleep?" asked Will, startling my. I jumped and rubbed the back of my neck. 

" I don't think so," I answered yawning. 

My eyes caught a black figure moving outside. I looked out and saw a pair of yellow eyes staring at me. For some reason the figure didn't scare me. It seemed to comfort me. " You guys should go to sleep," I said again. 

They nodded and left the room. That's what I liked about both of them. They didn't push you for answers. I pulled out a book and sat on my bed. Breaking Dawn. It was my second time reading it. 

I was on the part where Bella was having Renesme when my alarm clock went of. I got my stuff and went to the bathroom. I didn't' feel like going for a run today. It was Wednesday. The fire happened three days ago.  I got out of the shower when the water had went cold. I wiped the fog of the mirror and noticed my eyes had changed from dark brown to a dark grey. I blinked a few times and looked again. I still couldn't believe it. I took a few steps away and looked a me whole body. On my stomach write above my hipbone was a tattoo shaped like a burning feather. I went from black to a redish orange. I looked at i in amazement. When did this happen? 

I quickly put on my clothes and ran out side to Wills bedroom.

"Will, there's something wrong with my eyes," I screamed. At first he looked a me like I was mad but then turned up he lights and took a good look a my eyes

"What the h-,"

" And I even have a tattoo," I said picking up the hem of my shirt.

" But  it's to early," he whispered. 

"Whats too early," I asked panicked

"This was supposed to happen. not until you turned Seventeen," he started pacing around the room. 

" Stop talking nonsense," I screamed and stormed out of his room. What was happening to me? Like Will I started pacing around the room. I looked back at the clock. 8:00. I grabbed an apple while heading out he door. 

"Bye," I screamed and headed of to the bus sop. I was taking the bus today. 

First class. Science. Shit. We were dissecting a frog. I held my breath the whole time and let my partner do all the work. I flew out of the room at  the first bell. 

Second class. Hell. English. 

There were no seat left other than the one in front of Travis and Crystal. I sat down. Crystal gave me a glare. 

" Today we are going o be doing something different," said Mr. Gillies. I slumped in my seat. " You will be working with the person either in front or behind you," The person in front of me was taken so I turned around to face Travis. Everyone groaned. " Now I'm going to hand you each a slip that has a word on it. And you have to right a story or script using this word. I prefer it fallow the Hero Cycle,"

I felt everyone gazing at me. Including Crystal. I swallowed and picked up a slip when Mr.Gillies walked by.


I sudden wave of vertigo hit me.I felt a slight burning up my spine. I leaned forward and put my head in my hands. 

" You okay?" Travis asked his eyes full of concern. I'd stopped volunteering after my little INCIDENT. 

" Fine," I whispered and showed him the slip. His eyes clouded over for a second but wen back o there normal brown after. 

" So..what should we do, script or story?" he asked. 

I shurugged.

"Story it is," he said.

" There once was a girl named Sam. Who loved a guy named Travis. But when she told him her feelings he rejected her..." said a voice from beside. I turned to see Crystal. The whole class laughed. 

I turned away from her and looked at Travis. But looked away before he could turn my way. 

" Her father later tried to kill. Why? Because he hated -," I cut her off. 

" You know what. Yeah I liked Travis. And yes my father tried too kill. But no one gave you the right to make bitchy remarks about it. Who the hell do you think you are other than a fucked over teen girl who takes pride in hurting others. It's not gonna be long until all those other people who hate you stand up. So why don't you just make a smart choice and fuck off ! " I said the last words in a harsh whisper.

My anger was to strong. I needed to let it out. I took in a deep breath and met her gaze, but before she could say anything the ground started to shake. Travis paled, and the others screamed and went under there desks. I  slumped under my desk an took in a few deep breaths. He calmer I go the less the ground shook. I took in one last breath and with that everything was dead quiet and still.

The speeakers blared " Every one please coun to sixty and exit the biulding. REpeat. Everyone please coun to sixty and exit the biulding," and shut down.

We started counting one two three four...

Everyone was quietly lined up outside. It was raining. By the time our parents came to pick  us up we were drenched in water. I was tired. I felt like I'd just climbed mount Everest and fallen down from the top. I collapsed into Lucys arms when she hugged me. 

" You poor child," She said rubbing my back. 

" What's wrong with me," I whispered. " Whats wrong with me?" I said louder. 

" There's nothing wrong with you. Now we'll talk when we get home. " said Lucy. Will put his arm around me. I tensed and hen relaxed. 

" Your the best brother int he world," I said lightly. He seemed to have heard and he hugged me tighter. 

" Lets get you home," he said. I nodded. And with that we were on our way home waiting for what aunt Lucy was going to tell me. 

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