1 ➵ Moving in

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"Okay, okay. But tell me everything after you've met him, alright? I bet he's cute, I can feel it." Natasha says with excitement in her voice. Steve rolls his eyes as he lets himself fall onto his bed. "Sure you can. I'll text you later, okay? He can be here at any moment right now." Steve says as he can feel the nerves coming up. He was extremely excited to meet his new roommate, James. "Great! Have fun, Stevie." Natasha says giggling as she hangs up. 

Steve sighs, hoping the Barnes guy wasn't some fat, boring guy who only likes to play games and eat. The only thing he knew about his new roommate was that he's from Romania, but that he speaks fluent English as well, and that he could be here at any moment. Steve looks around the room he'd lived in for two months by now on his own, thinking about how it'd be like with another person. It's not that small, like, there's a tiny kitchen, two beds facing each other, theres a couch and a small tv. Good enough for two people. Steve bites his lower lip as he runs his fingers through his gelled, blonde hair. He can already feel his hands starting to sweat. Please be hot, he keeps thinking. He grabs his laptop from his desk and walks over to the chair in the living room. He plops down onto the chair, opens his laptop, and goes to Netflix. What else does he have to do than being nervous as fuck, waiting for his roommate? 

Steve clicks on his account as he gets to the home page of Netflix. He clicks on The Walking Dead, a show he started a few days ago and he's already addicted. He was just a few minutes into episode 8, when his door suddenly opens. Steve quickly shuts his laptop and looks up at the stranger walking into his room, looking a bit disoriented. Steve furrows his eyebrows as soon as he sees his face. Why was he wearing sunglasses? Steve quickly took in his, well, muscular body, and cleared his throat. 

"Hey! You must me by new roommate?" Steve asks, looking at the guy. Strangely, he didn't look back. "Oh, yeah, hey. You must be Steven..?" He asks, tilting his head like an adorable puppy. Steve smiles. "That's me. And you're James, right?" Steve asks. "Yep, but you can call me Bucky, short for my middle name Buchanan. I didn't really like James." Steve nods, "Er, could you help me with this, please? I don't really know my way around here.." Bucky says gesturing at his luggage. "Er, sure, but wh-" Steve stops as his eyes fall on the red and white colored stick in Bucky's hand. 


"You're- You're blind?" Steve asks with wide eyes. "Oh, er, yeah. I thought you already knew, I guess they haven't told you that yet.." Bucky says with a shy smile. "That explains why you didn't look at me, I thought you were disgusted by my face or something." Steve chuckles. Bucky laughs, and it sounds like music in Steve's ears sending shivers down his spine.

Now he stood closer to Bucky, he realized how good-looking he was. He had mid-length, fluffy brown hair, and he had the most adorable dimple in his chin under his probably-by-god-himself-shaped pink lips. Steve then realized he was staring and cleared his throat again. "I- er, I'll get your luggage inside, your bed is on your right." He says, and thank god Bucky couldn't see his reddened cheeks.

Steve glanced at Bucky, who was carefully trying to find his way to his bed with his cane. Steve couldn't help but smile, as he dragged Bucky's two bags inside. Steve looked at Bucky, who was now sitting on his bed. "Where do you want me to put your stuff? on your bed? Or do I have to help you unpack?" Steve asks. Bucky bites his lip, and Steve tries his best not to stare at his lips. "Er, it'd be nice if you could help me unpack, I don't really know where to put everything." He says chuckling under his breath. "Oh, right. I'll just put your bags on your bed." Steve says grabbing the bags. He puts them on the bed, right next to where Bucky is sitting.

Bucky stands up, and trails his fingers over a piece of paper with bumps that's attached to his bag. He opens the bag, revealing lots of clothes, all labeled with the same kind of paper. Braille. "Is there a closet or wardrobe where I can put my clothes into?" Bucky asks, half looking at Steve. "Yeah, your closet is right here." Steve says as he opens the closet behind Bucky. Bucky turns around, as he starts exploring the closet with his hands. "Thanks. I think I can do it from here." Bucky says smiling. "No problem. Just ask if you need help with anything else." Steve says. Bucky nods, as he starts putting his clothes in the closet. 

When he's finished, he grabs a few books - very thick books, Steve notices - out of his bag, and puts them in his closet as well. Steve can't help but keep staring at the gorgeous man in front of him. He knows it's wrong, since Bucky can't see him, but he just can't help it. "Are you staring at me? Because I swear I can feel your eyes burning in my back." Bucky asks grinning. Steve instantly turns red. "I- er, n-no. I wasn't." Steve says cursing at himself under his breath after he said that for stuttering. Bucky just chuckles as he continues unpacking. Steve looks at all of the stuff Bucky has brought with him. There are books, a special computer with dots - probably braille - on his keyboard, another pair of sunglasses, clothes, a phone and of course chargers. 

"Steve?" Bucky asks. Steve looks up, "Yeah?" He says. "Er, where can I put my laptop and books and such?" Bucky asks swaying his left leg back and forth. "Oh, you can put them on your desk. I'll guid you there." Steve cheers, gently grabbing Bucky's arm. Little does Steve know that that single touch already sent a million tingles up Bucky's arm. Steve lays Bucky's hand on the desk, and lets go of his arm. "Thanks." Bucky says barely audible, as he puts his books on the left corner, and his laptop on the right corner of his desk. 

"So, what does this room look like, actually?" Bucky asks, plopping down on his bed. "Well, er, the walls are painted a light shade of grey.. er, I don't know if you know what grey looks like, though." Steve awkwardly chuckles. Bucky smiles at that, "Yeah, I do. I turned blind when I was 9, you know. Got in a car accident." 

"Wow, I- i'm sorry.. I can't imagine what that must've been like" Steve says, as he finds himself laying his hand on Bucky's knee. Bucky doesn't pull away, so he keeps his hand there. "Hm. It's not that bad, i've been lucky. I could've died." Bucky says, shrugging like it's nothing. "Oh.." Steve says, not really sure of what to say. "But, let's continue with the room." Bucky says changing the subject. "Well, the walls are gray, the ceiling is, um, dark grey, and the floor is from some kind of wood I guess. Your bed has a grey and white striped blanket with a matching pillow, your nightstand is black, with a curvy design, and my bed is kind of the same. There's a kitchen, on the left of your bed. It's really tiny but I guess we can live with it. Almost everything in the kitchen is white. There's a big chair on the other side of the room with a tv, but I don't think you watch tv, do you?" Steve asks chuckling. "Actually, I do sometimes. But I only watch Netflix though, with audio descriptions." Bucky says looking down. "And, I think I got the image of what this room looks like." he adds. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Steve asks. "Try me." Bucky says tilting his head in Steve's way. "Er, why do you actually wear sunglasses?" Steve asks hoping it didn't sound dumb. "Well, it might bother some people when I'm talking to them. Like, it would look kinda weird if I was talking to you and my eyes were constantly looking at the ground or to the left, you know?" Bucky says. "Oh, right. Well, I don't think it would bother me, though." Steve says. Bucky smiles, "You sure?" Bucky says raising his eyebrows. "Of course I am. It doesn't matter to me which direction you're looking at when we're talking." Steve says with a chuckle. "Alright." Bucky says, slowly taking off his sunglasses as he puts them on his nightstand.

Steve's jaw dropped. His eyes - they were a mixture of blue and green, and they were a bit paler than usual, but they looked.. beautiful.

He never thought Bucky could get any more beautiful at all, until now. The crinkles by his eyes.. his eyelashes. Not even talking about his perfectly shaped jawline he only just noticed.

He was just drop dead gorgeous. 


He just met his roommate and he already has a crush on him.

And he's probably as straight as his stick.


SOOO that was chapter 1! It was longer than I expected it to be, though. I hope you guys liked it, please vote & leave some comments below so I know if I should continue this or nah :)

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