6 ➵ two weeks later

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"Steeeve, are we there yet?" Bucky whined impatiently for the fifth time in half an hour. Steve was driving them somewhere special and he wouldn't tell Bucky where.

"Almost, stop whining you baby." Steve said pushing Bucky playfully on his left shoulder. Bucky huffed as he put his head in his right hand, "You said that half an hour ago as well."

"I did? Oops." Steve said sarcastically. Bucky groaned, feeling. If Steve was gonna keep doing this, he was seriously going to jump out of the car.

Five minutes later, Steve finally pulled the car over and took the car keys out of the car. "We're here." He cheered as Bucky sighed in relief. Steve stepped out of the car, closed his door and helped Bucky out of the passenger seat. Steve let Bucky take his arm as they started walking towards "somewhere special".

"So, will you tell me where we are yet?" Bucky said raising his eyebrows. Steve grinned, "not yet. Just keep walking." he said as they kept walking. Bucky frowned, trying to hear if he heard any familiar sounds. He heard birds, a car passing by... Water?


Waves. They were at the beach.

"We're at the beach?" Bucky asks as a smile grew on his face. "We're at the beach." Steve confirmed, as they walked towards the water. Bucky and Steve both took their shoes off as they walked into the water until it was at their ankles. "How did you know that I love the sea?" Bucky asked enjoying the way the water ran over his feet. "Just a wild guess." Steve said as they slowly walked through the water. "And.. What's the occasion?" Bucky asked curious to why Steve did all this. "Hm, there's not really a reason. I just thought it'd be fun I guess." Steve hummed.

Bucky was about to say something as he suddenly felt a splash of water on his stomach and jumped. "Steve!" He yelled, "What the hell was that for!?" Steve couldn't stop laughing at his reaction until Bucky suddenly kicked alot of water on Steve's jeans with his foot. Steve jumped and yelled, "Hey!" This time it was Bucky who was laughing like crazy. "You're gonna regret that!" Steve said as Bucky was still laughing at Steve, "Hey, you're not supposed to bully the blind, Steve." Bucky said pouting dramatically at his best friend, "Oops. Guess I'm a bad guy then." Steve said kicking water at Bucky. Bucky screamed at the cold water on his skin as Steve grinned like crazy, "Now we're quitte, alright?" Bucky said out of breath as Steve hummed in agreement. They walked back to the dry part of the beach, as the sun was already going down since it was half past nine.

Steve grabbed a blanket out of his bag he brought with him and laid it down on the sand. "Come sit." He said sitting down on the blanket. Bucky carefully sat down, patting the space around the blanket so that he wasn't going to sit on the sand. Steve leaned back on his arms and stretches his legs out in front of him as Bucky did the same. Bucky closed his eyes, relaxing at the sounds of the sea and the waves crashing against the sand.

"Steve?" Bucky asked after a long silence.


"Er, this may be weird but.. I do this thing, whenever I want to know what someone looks like.. um, I did it with my mum once. And since I don't exactly know what you look like, can I like, feel your face?" Bucky asked hoping it didn't sound too weird.

"Uh, sure, I guess." Steve said as he sat up straight in front of Bucky. Bucky sat up as well, as he tilted his head to his side by the tiniest bit and slowly brought his hands up to Steve's head, closing his eyes in concentration. He started at Steve's hair, as he slowly let his fingers move to his head. Steve closed his eyes as he leaned into Bucky's touch, smiling slightly. Bucky let his fingers sway from Steve's eyes to his jaw, cheeks, nose, and let his fingers linger on Steve's lips a second longer than he was going to as his cheeks turned a bit pink. Bucky removed his hands from Steve's face as Steve fluttered his eyes open, staring directly at Bucky since their faces were only a few inches apart. Steve instantly started blushing as he noticed that Bucky's hands were still lingering on his neck, sending tingles through his body. Bucky quickly pulled his hands back into his lap as he noticed what he was doing, blushing furiously as he ducked his head down staring into his lap.

Steve brought his finger up to Bucky's chin as he gently tilted his face up and pulled his hand back again, "Can I?" Steve asked barely audible as Bucky nodded. Steve took Bucky's sunglasses off and put them aside, as he closed his eyes and let his fingers roam over Bucky's face. He started at his hair, slowly going through his long, brown locks until he reached Bucky's jaw as he let his fingers gent move from his jaw to his chin, letting his thumb hover over Bucky's lower lip. Bucky shivered at the touch, and couldn't help but think what it felt like to have Steve's lips right there. Steve licked his lips, and blinked slowly, his hands still on Bucky's jaw.

"Buck.." Steve said in a whisper.

"Yeah?" Bucky said under his breath.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?"

Whoops, cliffhanger ;) vote/comment for part seven! Hope you liked this, please comment if it was a bit too rushed?

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