5 ➵ awkward

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It was half past ten in the morning, and Bucky was sitting on his bed reading a book. Steve sat on Bucky's bed as well, across from Bucky, and was watching netflix as his phone suddenly rang. Steve paused netflix and got up to see who was calling him.


Bucky tilted his head as in to ask who it was. "It's Natasha." Steve said as Bucky hummed before continuing to read his book. Steve walked over to the kitchen and picked up his phone.

"Hey, Nat. What's up?" He asked.

"Steve! How's your roommate? I saw he's blind, right?" Natasha cheered. Steve chuckled, lowering his voice a bit so that Bucky wouldn't hear him.

"Honestly, he's hot. But I have no idea if he's interested.. I don't know what to do." Steve said running his fingers through his hair. 

"Awww Stevie's got a crush!" Natasha cheered making Steve blush,, "shut up, nat. I have a serious problem here." Steve huffed.

"Don't worry, tuff guy. Just ask him out on a date some time?" Natasha said like it's nothing. "Yeah, i'll think about it. But I have to go now so talk to you later, alright?"

"Bye Steve." Natasha said before hanging up the phone.

Steve walked back to Bucky's bed and plopped himself down in front of him, pulling his laptop back in his lap. "And? What'd she say?" Bucky asked curiously.

"Uh, she just wanted to know how I was doing and if anything special had happened in the last few days. 'S all." Steve said shrugging. "Hm, kay." Bucky answered going back to his book. Steve looked up from his laptop, watching how Bucky's fingers danced over his book, or how he'd furrow his eyebrows in concentration so now and then what made  him look truly adorable in Steve's eyes.

"Hey, Buck?"

"Yeah?" Bucky answered. "Is it hard to read braille?" Steve asked, to which Bucky chuckled. "Well, some people think it's hard, some people don't. By the time you know what every single letter feels like it's easy." Bucky said with a shrug. Steve hummed. "Do you think I could learn?" Steve asked. "Yeah, sure. Give me a sec." Bucky said reaching for his bag. He took a blank paper out of his bag, filled with dots. Bucky shuffled to the side of the bed, patting the space next to him. "Come here, i'll show you." He cheered. Steve smiled and sat down next to him, their legs and sides touching sending little electricity shocks down his arms and legs. Bucky let his fingers slide over the paper, stopping at the top left.

"Give me your hand." Bucky said holding out his own. Steve laid his hand in Bucky's trying not to blush at the touch. Bucky bit his lip before continuing, "Do you feel the dots right here?" He asked as he put Steve's finger on the paper. Steve hummed, "Yeah, yeah I do." Bucky nodded, "Alright, that's an A." Bucky said moving to the next few dots, his hand still on top of Steve's, "This is a B." He said. "How can you learn all of this out of your head? I've only learned two letters and I already can't remember the first one."Steve said huffing. Bucky laughed, "It wasn't that easy, though. It took me a long time to figure out what everything felt like." Bucky said as Steve stayed silent, looking into Bucky's eyes. Bucky then noticed that he was still holding Steve's hand, so he quickly removed it from Steve's clearing his throat awkwardly.

Steve looked down to his lap, blushing furiously. When he looked back up, he saw that Bucky was blushing as well, a small smile playing on his lips. "I think I'm gonna take a shower. Er, i'll be right back." Steve said as Bucky nodded trying his best to hide his smile.

2 updates in a day, arent y'all lucky?
No jk lmao this fanfic sucks but oh well if you like reading torture Im not gonna stop yaaa

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