- New Book! -

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Hey guys! I know I haven''t been on wattpad for aaaaages, and I just had a really good idea for a new book so I thought I'd share the idea with you guys!! Basically, it's like this:

Steve is at a train station waiting for his train bc damn 40 min delay wooo and it's freezing cold so he's shivering like crazy, hugging his arms trying to stay warm bc he's only wearing a thin coat. Then this nice tall guy walks up to him and - holy shit he's hot - offers him his coat. Steve is all blushy and shy y'know. They keep talking and the guy just listens to Steve and keeps grinning and smiling at Steve until the train arrives. and wowowow they live in the same neigbourhood so the guy - Bucky - walks him home but oh wait Steve lost his keys. Bucky offers him a place to sleep, etc.

SO if I wrote a story like this who'd read it? And should I write one or nah? xxx

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