2 ➵ What's it like?

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"Is it.. do I look okay?"

Steve suddenly woke up from his stare at the sound of Bucky's voice and turned totally red, looking at Bucky who was looking in between his closet and the ground with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, you look great! and your eyes.. They're, they're beautiful." Steve said, hoping Bucky wouldn't notice his stutter. He really needed to work on that. He looked at Bucky from beneath his eyelashes and noticed that he was blushing with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks. I'll leave them off then I guess." Bucky said smiling brighter, still looking at the same spot. Steve thought he looked adorable like that - he reminded him of a lost puppy when he looked like that.

"So, what do you actually see? Like.. do you see one color, or just.. Black?" Steve asked curiously. Bucky chuckled, "Well, it's hard to explain what I can see, actually. Er, it's like.. a mixture of blackness, and the reddish color you see when you put a flashlight under your hand, if you know what I mean?" Bucky said, biting his lower lip.

Steve nodded understandingly.

"You just nodded, didn't you?" Bucky said grinning. "O-oh my god. I'm so sorry." Steve said, and Bucky laughed. "It's okay, happens all the time." Steve chuckled.

"Well, let's just forget that I nodded at a blind guy. Er, I wanted to ask if you'd like to have a walk around the park and pubs around here? You can say no if you don't want to, though. Because I don't know if you actually do or like that sort of stuff.." Steve asked fiddling with his fingers. He looked at Bucky who was now grinning from ear to ear. "I'd love to."


Bucky had put his sunglasses back on, and was now walking outside of the building together with Steve towards the park. Steve was already a few feet ahead of Bucky without noticing, and Bucky had no idea where to go.

"Er, Steve?" Steve instantly turned around at Bucky's voice.


"Er, could you like, maybe, help me walk around here? I normally have my sister with me but," Bucky chuckled, "I only have you right now, and I have no idea where to go."

"Sure! I'm so sorry, I'm so new with all of this and I just-"

"It's okay, don't worry, Steve." Bucky chuckled at Steve's rambling again.

Steve walked over to Bucky, letting him take his arm. "Is this good?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, thanks."

And like that, Steve and Bucky wandered around the park for what seemed for hours, with Steve constantly describing what everything was like and how he loved everything and Bucky just listened and loved how Steve's voice seemed to calm him for some reason, like he could listen to him talk for hours and hours.

Finally, the walk through the park came to an end, as they were on their way to one of Steve's favorite coffee shops Steve'd told Bucky about. Bucky was still holding onto Steve's arm, as they silently walked towards the coffee shop and as the sun was slowly going down, causing the sky to turn a beautiful shade of purple and pink. Bucky closed his eyes and quietly listened to the birds singing to each other, how the wind brushed against the trees and through his hair, and Steve's warm breathing right next to his left ear as he gently swayed his stick from his left to his right to feel his surroundings.

"We're here." Steve half whispered as they stopped in front of the coffee shop, and Bucky could already smell sweet scent of coffee from outside the building as he nodded to Steve's words.

They walked inside as Steve gently helped Bucky get up the stairs which existed out of three steps. Steve walked towards a table near a window, and sat down right across from Bucky.

"Thank you, Steve." Bucky said smiling softly.

"For what?"

"Everything. No one ever really wanted to be friends with a blind person like me, I guess, and you.. I don't know why you're doing this but I really appreciate this." Bucky said with a slight blush on his cheeks, causing Steve to blush as well.

"It's no problem, seriously. If I could meet all of those people who've turned you down, I'd show them just how awesome you are. I.. I can't imagine what it must've been like for you.." Steve said, feeling sad for Bucky.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Bucky said giving Steve a reassuring smile.

"Hey, you guys want anything?"

Bucky looked up at the girl - Natasha - and awkwardly bit his lip. Natasha and him met about a month ago at this coffee shop, and they became really great friends in such a short time. Nat knew he was gay, though.

That's probably why she was grinning at Steve so much since he walked into the coffee shop.

"I- er, yeah. Buck, what do you want?" Steve said, and he instantly started blushing as he realized he just have him a nickname. So did Bucky.

"I'll have what Steve has." Bucky said, trying his best to turn his head towards Natasha.

"Er, i'll have a Latte." Steve says. "Be right back!" Natasha says winking at Steve before leaving.

"That was Natasha." Steve says, "I met her last month at this coffee shop. I'm sure you'll like her if you get to know her a little better."

"Oh.. er, is she like.. your girlfriend?" Bucky says - and Steve swore he saw his face fall a little, but he immediately pushes that thought away thinking he just imagined that.

"No, no I- no, er," Steve chuckled before continuing, "Well, there's something I haven't told you yet, and I really hope that you're okay with it because lots of people around aren't and.. yeah. Well, I'm gay." Steve said lowering his voice a bit.

And to his surprise, Bucky was smiling.

"Of course I am okay with that, you jerk. As a matter of fact, i'm bi."


Sooo that was chapter 2! I wrote this really quickly and I noticed that while I was writing I made lots of mistakes with their names, omg - for example; I wrote Chris instead of Steve - so if you see any of those please tell me hehe :3

don't forget to comment/vote please :) x

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