Chapter 2: Father.

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There's someone in this house.

I walked into the living room on all fours, sniffing around.

"There's a stranger here." I growled at Happy who once was a cat, but who was transformed like me.

Let's just say he's a candlestick now.

Happy relit his flames before speaking. "Master, allow me to explain. The gentleman was lost in the woods and he was cold and wet..."

I growled again, his flames going out. How dare he bring someone here!

"Master, I'd like to take this moment to say...I was against this from the start." Carla said coming out from under the rug. "I tried to stop them, but would they listen to me? No, no, no!"

Yeah she's a clock.

I growl louder drowning out Carla. The stranger looks to one side of the chair, widening his eyes at the sight of me.

"Who are you! What are you doing here?"

He was very scared and backing away from the advancing me while talking. "I was lost in the woods and..." He continued to stare as I drew closer to him.

"You are not welcome here!"

"I'm sorry." He stuttered wide eyed.

"What are you staring at?"

"Noth-noth-nothing!" He said cowering away from me. He turned away to leave me racing towards the entrance.

"So, you've come to stare at the dragon, have you?"

"Please, I meant no harm! I just needed a place to stay."

"I'll give you a place to stay!"

I picked up the stranger carrying him out of the room. I slam the door behind me with my tail sending him to a place he could stay.

A place he can rot.

I'm not a moster! Don't look at me like I'm a monster!

The next morning you were in the living room reading your new book. The house was pretty quiet since your father left. There was a knock on your door which caught you off guard. You closed your hardcover book before walking to the door. You looked in the peep hole seeing Sting and Rouge on the other side.

"Your lucky if I don't slap you over the head with this book."

"Aw but you love me. You know, (Y/n),

There's not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day your dreams come true.

"You don't know anything about me or my dreams Sting."

"I know plenty. Here, picture this."

Sting walked passed you and into your house sitting on one of the reclining chairs lifting up. He kicked off his boots and put his hands behind his head.

"A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife, massaging my feet, while the little ones play with the dogs."

The blonde was attractive no doubt but why in the hell would he put his dirty, stanky feet on the table!

"We'll have six or seven."

"Dogs?" You questioned.

"No, (Y/n)! Strapping boys, like me!"

"Imagine that." You repeated rolling your eyes, picking up your bookmark from the table. You put on the page you were on before putting it on a shelf.

"And do you know who that wife will be?"

"Let me think..." You said leaning on the wall. Sting stood up and walked towards you.

"You, (Y/n)!"

You ducked under his arms standing in the center of the room. "Sting, I'm speechless. I really don't know what to say."

He pushed chairs and things out of the way until he reached you making you run into the back door, him trapping you.

"Say you'll marry me."

"I'm sorry Sting," You started finding the door handle. "But I just don't deserve you."

You twisted the doorknob open and ducked as Sting lost his balance and tumbled into the mud. A wedding band begins to play "Here Comes the Bride." You throw Sting's boots out of the door and slammed it shut.

Such a disgusting pig! Why is he kinda hot though?

"Is he gone?" You asked the chickens. They nodded as he let out his normal chicken noise making you walk out the house and down your front porch. " Can you imagine, he asked me to marry him!"

I want much more than this life...

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere

I want it more than I can tell

And for once it might be grand

To have someone understand

I want so much more than they've got planned

Is that shooting the bar to high?

Hearing a horse's neigh you turn around seeing the horse your father rode off on,

What's Monmo doing here?

Monmo ruins towards you as you meet him halfway, where's father?

"Monmo! What are you doing here? Where's Papa? Where is he, Monmo? What happened? Oh, we have to find him, you have to take me to him!" You said urgently as you unhitched the wagon from Monmo.

You quickly grab your (f/c) cloak before getting on the horse, Monmo retracing his steps.

"What is this place?" You asked as you both were in front of a castle.

Monmo snorts, then begins to buck as if something is scaring him. You dismount and comforts him.

"Monmo, please, steady." You quickly pet him before turning and opening the gate. As soon as you did you saw your fathers hat laying on the floor, you pick it up and clutch it in your hands.


You entered the castle looking around at the big mansion.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" You whispered, incase the home was empty or if he had just left. "Hello? Father? Father, are you here?" You called louder,

Wait, why was the door open?

You countied down the hall even thought you knew you should've turned back. This is like any horror movie, sooner or later a killer is going to spot you and kill you.

"Father?" You called, if your going to die you at least hope you find my father first.

You have to!

You advance down a narrow hallway. Hearing the door creak you turned around only seeing an open door.

No way in hell I'm going in there!

"Father?" You peaked your head through the door. Looking around you find a clock on the floor.

Just in case you see someone obviously.

"Hello? Is someone here? Wait! I'm looking for my father!"

You walk up the stone steps stopping next to a candlestick.

"That's funny, I'm sure there was someone..." You heard something in the distance making you talk again, "Is there anyone here?"

You picked up a torch stick and lit it with the candlestick before hearing something.


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