Chapter 7: Truth.

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She's so beautiful..

Right now Monmo and (Y/n) were playing in the snow outside the castle along with Plue. Carla, Happy and I were on the balcony, me never taking my eyes off her.

"I've never felt this way about anyone." I told them before getting an idea. "I want to do something for her." I said excitedly.

"But what?"

"Well, there's the usual things--flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep..." Carla listed muttering the last part.

"Ahh, no no. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks her inter--wait a minute."

Happy told you the plan before calling her inside. You both were in the hallway at the door before turning to her.

"(Y/n), there's something I want to show you." I begin to open the door, then stop. "But first, you have to close your eyes."

She looks at me questioningly.

"It's a surprise."

I watched as (Y/n) closes her beautiful (e/c) eyes, and I wave my hand in front of her. Affirming that she can't see I then open the door and lead her in.

"Can I open them?" She asked as soon as she walks in the door.

"No, no. Not yet. Wait here."

I walk away to draw back the curtains. And as soon as I do brilliant sunlight spills into the room. I saw as (Y/n) flinch reflexively as the light hits her face.

"Now can I open them?"

"All right. Now."

Your (s/c) lids reveal your (e/c) eyes as you scan the gigantic library filled with books.

"I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life!"

"You--you like it?"

"No I completely hate it. Of course I like it!" You said staring admiringly at all the books.

"Then it's yours."

"Yay! Thank you!"

After showing her the library it was time for breakfast. I was at the table with (Y/n) at one end and myself at the other, with Mirajane between us. As (Y/n) is served breakfast she begins to eat, she looks at me, gobbling up his food with no table manners whatsoever. Lisanna laughs, but Mira shoots me an admonishing look. You turn away and try to ignore it, but Lisanna comes to the rescue. She nudges the spoon with her nose, and I reach out for it. You look at me in wonder as I try to eat with the spoon, but has little success. Finally, you put down your own spoon and lift your bowl as if in a toast. I look at the compromise and do the same. Before we both begin to sip their breakfast out of our bowls.

After breakfast we went to courtyard where (Y/n) and I are feeding the birds.

She poured bird feed into my hands before I bent down sticking out my hands to the birds. They flew away from me as I tried again ending with another failure. Finally, you takes a handful and gently spread it out, creating a trail. A bird followed it before the one lands in my hand and I, getting excited. I looked up at her as she smiled back at me. A bird soon flew on her own hand, her getting distracted by it.

I thought I saw,

When we touched..

She didn't shudder at my claw.

No it can't be. I'll just ignore,

But then she's never looked at me that way before.

(Y/n) had ducked around a tree, leaving me with the birds. But as she turns her head back my way I could her laugh.


Well I was covered in birds.

(Y/n) throws a snowball at me, I had looked at her proudly after the birds flew away. I begin to gather a large pile of snow. You throw another snowball at me, which drops a huge pile of snow on my head. I chase her around a tree, but she ducks around the other side before sneaking up on me from behind.

After she got cold we went to the den where you sit in front of a roaring fire and read to me, I never took my eyes off you.

"Could you read it again?" I ask as you put down the finished book.

"How about you read to me?"

I took the book hesitantly before opening to a random page.

"I um.. I can't."

"You've never learned?"

"I've learned! A little.. It's just so long ago."

"Well here I'll help you! Let's start here."

"Okay," I breathed looking at the words on the page. "Tuo?"



Happy and I were in my bathroom as I was tub getting washed up for the big night with you.

"Tonight is the night!"

"I'm not sure I can do this." I told him hesitant about the whole thing.

"You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring."

"Bold. Daring."

I emerge from the tub grabbing the towel.

"There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and when the time is right, you confess your love."

Inspired, I repeated Happy's instructions, "Yes, I, I con-- No, I can't."

"You care for the girl, don't you?"

"More than anything."

"Well then you must tell her."

"Ahem ahem ahem. Your lady awaits." Carla said as she gestured through the door.

Here goes nothing.


Haven't updated in so long but I was bored so I finished this. 

I realized how much editing this needs even when I did try to fix it up. It's kinda sad haha

Meh. I hope you enjoy this anyway



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