Chapter 3: Free!

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You rush up the rest of the steps to find a door, a iron bars into the middle of the door. He face appeared there making you run over to him.


"How did you find me?" He asked before coughing you holding his hand, the other concealing the cough from you.

"Oh, your hands are like ice. We have to get you out of here."

"(Y/n), I want you to leave this place."

"Who did this to you?"

"No time to explain. You must!" He rushed as he gripped your hand.

"I'm not leaving you!"

Suddenly, the unknown person grabs your shoulder whipping your around making you drop the torch. The room was now dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.

"What are you doing here?" The figure questioned, anger in their voice.

"Run, (Y/n)!" Your father yelled. You stood your ground demanding answers from this person.

"Who are you!"

"The master of this castle."

"Please let my father out! Can't you see he's sick?"

"Then he shouldn't have trespassed here."

"But he could die! Please, I'll do anything!"

"There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner." He said walking towards the exit. You shifted you spot on the ground as you spoke.

"Oh, there must be some way I can..." You pondered for a moment thinking quickly of a way to save your father. "Wait! Take me, instead!"

"You! You would take his place?" He asked astonished by your statement.

"(Y/n)! No! You don't know what you're doing!"

"If I did, would you let him go?" You asked looking at the shadowed figure.

"Yes, but you must promise to stay here forever."

Pondering the situation you realizes she can't see the captor.

"Come into the light."

The figure drags his legs, claws being seen before a scaly figure is completely exposed to the light. Your eyes growing wider,

I never thought dragons were real!

You turned away and looked at your father, him shaking his head rapidly.

"No, (Y/n). I won't let you do this!" Your father yelled.

Regaining your composure, then steps into the beam of light, closing your eyes.

"You have my word."

"Done!" The dragon quickly stated walking past you.

I'm going to miss you father.

You could hear the dragon unlock the cell you covering your hands as you dropped on your knees.

"No, (Y/n). Listen to me." Your father rushed over to your grabbing your shoulders. "I'm old, I've lived my life--"

The dragon grabbed him and drags him downstairs, you being able to catch the last glimpse of your father before your view being cover by his wing.

"Wait!" You yelled rushing up to catch up with him,

But it was to late.


"Wait! Please.."

You begin to cry as you look out cell window at the carriage crossing the bridge over the moat.

"You didn't even let me say good bye. I'll never see him again. I didn't get to say good-bye." You yelled through your tears. I just lost my father, and he's gone. For good.

"I'll show you to your room." The dragon said as he rubbed the back of his neck. You looked up surprised by what you heard.

"My room?" You sniffed brushing your hair (h/c) out your face. "But I thought--"

"What? You wanna stay in the tower?"


"Then follow me."

As the dragon begins to show you to your room you begin to lag behind. You looks at the hideous sculptures on the walls and the light casting shadows on them. Frightened, You gasp and runs to catch up with the dragon, who is carrying a candlestick as a light source. Tears fall from your eyes as you realize this is your home now.

" Hope you like it here."

Is he really telling me this right now! I just lost my father because of you! I wasn't gonna let him sit here and rot because of you and now I am!

"The castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you wish, except the West Wing."

"What's in the West-"

"It's forbidden!" He yelled, his voice echoing. He stopped angrily before he continues on, Having you reluctantly follow.

As he opened the door light spills into the once dark room, making you walk into it. As soon as you did the dragon spoke.

"Now, if there's anything you need, my servants will attend you." He said tenderly.

"You... Will join me for dinner. That's not a request!" He said growing angry. He leaves slamming the door leaving you by yourself in this terrifying place. You run onto the bed before crying once again looking outside your window.

A place where your father is finally free.

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