Chapter 9: Love the beast.

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[This was written before release of movie]
I hate the idea of the new live adaptation they are creating of this movie. It is a waste of money and time to do the exact same thing that was already done years ago. Trying to revive a classic is unnecessary, you turn a joyous film into something rotten. I disliked the idea of Cinderella, which sadly enough did good in the box office. All the younger children who read this would beg to differ and say how great the movie was and can't wait for the new adaptation but I honestly will pass. (They are also in the works of Aladdin and The little mermaid, don't even get me started on those!) I am completely against the entire idea, and yet I can do nothing to stop it. For I am just some nobody unknown in this world. This will be placed in the end note when I revisit and revise this story. I had to get this off my chest, I apologize if you do not agree with anything I have stated.

"Pardon me, master." Mirajane says as Natsu is looking at the wilting rose in front of him.

"Leave me in peace." He sighed closing his eyes.

"But sir, the castle is under attack!"

"Kill the beast, kill the beast!" The mob chanted from outside banging the door with a log, trying to break it down.

The objects have tried to block off the door, but it is being bashed in by the mob.

"This isn't working!" Happy yelled his back pressing against other object to hold the door shut.

"Oh, Happy! We must do something!"

"Wait! I know!"

"Kill the beast, kill the beast!" The mob shouted getting closer to their goal.

"What shall we do, master?" Mira says trying to come up with a game plan with Natsu.

"It doesn't matter now. Just let them come."

"Kill the beast, kill the beast, kill the beast!!" The mob succeeds in breaking in, and finds a grand entrance filled with assorted pieces of furniture, teacups, candlesticks, feather dusters and clocks. They tiptoe in, and Rouge unknowingly picks up Happy.

"Now!!!" Happy shouts as all the objects spring into life, attacking their human enemies.

Back to your home, Lisanna has readied the invention.

"Yes! Here we go!"

Your father looks out from the window and sees the advancing axe.

"What the Helvetica? (Y/n), look out!"

The invention crashes into the door, and a red cloud of smoke poofs out of the basement. You and your father emerge from the wreckage to find Lisanna swinging on a loose spring.

"You guys gotta try this thing!"

Back at the castle where the attack continues. Meanwhile, Sting has broken off from the mob, and is searching out for the dragon. You, your father, Monmo and Lisanna are making your way to the castle. Finally, the invaders are chased out and the objects celebrate their victory.

"And stay out!" Carla yells shutting the door.

Happy pulls over Carla and kisses her once on each cheek. Carla shakes him off, blushing.

Sitng eventually finds Natsu's lair. And raises his crossbow and takes aim. Natsu looks up at him, then looks back down in sadness again. Sting releases the arrow and it strikes Natsu in the shoulder. He screams in pain and stands. Sting rushes him and they fly out the window onto the balcony, where it has begun to rain.

Sting laughs as he corners Natsu on the edge of the roof. Natsu simply sits there in despair.

He's going to keep living like this anyway.

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