Chapter 6: Natsu The Dragon.

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Excitement begins to dwindle, when you enter the hallway leading to Dragon's lair. As you walk down the hall, you stop to look in a mirror that has been shattered into several pieces, each one reflecting your concerned look. You reach the end of the hall and find a closed door with gargoyle handles. Taking a deep breath, you reach out and open the door. Once you inside the interior of the lair, You begin to explore. Truly shocked by everything you see. You wander around, looking, and knock over a table, but catches it before it crashes to the floor. Then turn your head and see a shredded picture on the wall. You can only see part of a portrait, making you reach out and lift the shreds of the picture to reveal the prince.

So this is the Natsu..

You stare at the face once more before you then turn your head and see the rose under the bell jar. Walking over to it, your eyes transfixed. You reach out, then lift off the jar, leaving the rose unprotected. You reach up and brushes back the strand of your (h/c) hair that has been repeatedly falling on your forehead, then reach out to touch the rose. As you near it, a shadow falls over you. You gasp as the dragon has seen you. He jumps back into the room, then slams the jar back on the rose. He then turns his attention to you covering the jar protectively.

"Why did you come here?"

You start backing away, scared.

I guess curiosity is about to get me killed.

"I'm sorry,"

"I warned you never to come here!"

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"Do you realize what you could have done!?!" He scolded, thrash at the furniture.

"Please, stop! No!"

"Get out!!!! GET OUT!!!!"

You turn and flee the room. You reach the stairway and grab your cloak. As you rush down the stairs, wrapping the cloak around you and jumping past a confused Happy and Carla.

"Wh- Where are you going?" Happy stammered staring at you open the door.

"Forget my stupid promise, I can't stay here another second!"

"Oh no, wait, please wait!"

You slam the door behind you before exiting the gates, getting on Monmo. You begin to ride through the forest, but Monmo comes to a stop. You look around and sees wolves.

Great! Cause you wolves make this escape so much easier!

You pull the reins and begin to flee. You pull Monmo who runs from side to side, making the wolves hit the trees. Monmo runs out on a frozen pond, but his and your weight collapse the ice. The wolves chase you into the water. Some begin to drown, but Monmo is able to get out of the water before anything serious happens. He runs into a clearing, but becomes surrounded by wolves. He bucks, throwing you off and wrapping the reins around a tree branch. The wolves begin their attack on Monmo, but you come to his rescue by mustering up your courage and beat them with a stick. One wolf grabs the stick in its mouth and breaks half of it off, leaving you defenseless. Another leaps at you, grabbing the corner of your cloak and dragging you to the ground. You look up and sees a wolf about to jump on top of you. It leaps and is caught in mid-air by the dragon.

Natsu! Man I've never been so glad to see you..

He throws the wolf away, then stands behind them and you. They lunge at each other. One rips a hole in Natsu's shoulder, and the others focus their attack on that spot. Finally, Natsu throws a wolf against a tree, knocking it out. The others turn and run in fear. Natsu turns back to you, looks at you despairingly, then collapses. You, grateful to be alive, turns back to Monmo and begins to get on, but your conscience takes over and you walk over to the fallen dragon. You and Monmo begin walking back to the castle with Natsu on the horse's back. When you got back to the castle being bombarded with question you request hot water along with a rag for the dragon. Some of the objects help the beast inside as you get what was requested.

Pouring hot water out of Mrs. Strauss. You soak a rag in the water, then turn to Natsu, who is licking his wounds.

"Don't do that."

Natsu growls at her as she tries to clean the wound with her rag.

"Just...hold still." You demanded as he kept fidgeting.

Finally getting him to stop you touch the rag to the wound and the dragon roars in pain. The objects, who have been watching, jump back into hiding from the outburst."

"That hurts!"

"If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much."

"Well if you hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened!"

"Well if you hadn't scared the living hell outta me, I wouldn't have run away!"

Nastu opens his mouth to respond, but nothing comes out making you smirk.

"Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!"

"Well maybe you should learn to control your temper!"

Natsu raises his hand to bring out another point, but finds he has none, so he bows his head down again. You smirked yet again considering you have conquered the ferocious temper of the dragon. You move the rag closer to the wound.

"Now, hold still. This may sting a little."

Nastu gives a surprised grunt, then grits his teeth as the rag is applied.

"Also, thank you for saving my life."

Nastu opens his eyes, looking surprised.

"You're welcome."

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