Chapter 5: You Thought!

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Love this song but enjoy the chapter it's been so long since I've updated sorry

"Be grateful for what you have, because other would kill to have it."

I threw a chair knocking over and destroying things in my path as I walk to the magic mirror.

"I ask nicely, but she refuses. What a...what does she want me to do--beg?"

Picking up the magic mirror staring at my refection before sighing. "Show me the girl."

The mirror shines, then glows green and reveals the in her bedroom, talking to the closet.

"Why the master's not so bad once you get to know him. Why don't you give him a chance?"

"Does it look like I want to get to know him! I don't want anything to do with him!"

I sighed setting down the magic mirror next to the rose. "I'm just fooling myself. She'll never see me as anything... But a monster."

I watched as the fifth petal falls off the rose.

"It's hopeless."

You open the door to your bedroom, it creaking as you walked down the hall. You could hear small giggles from behind the curtain seeing three bright spots shine through. Ignoring it you proceed forward.

"Come on, Liss. Into the cupboard with your brother."

"But I'm not sleepy."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm...not."

Hearing the conversation between Lisanna and the tea pot end the stove soon starts talking. Does everything talk here?

Giving yourself a slight pinch you realize your not sleeping.


"I work and I slave all day, and for what? A culinary masterpiece gone to waste."

"Oh, stop your grousing. It's been a long night for all of us." The tea pot shot back.

"Well, if you ask me, she was just being stubborn. After all, the master did say 'please.'"

Seriously talking clock? Seriously.

"But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper, he'll never break the--"

You make your appearance known making the clock cut of the tea pot.

"Splendid to see you out and about, mademoiselle. I am Carla, head of the household."

She bows politely as I squat to view the clock better.

A candlestick soon rushes in standing right in front of Carla.

"This is Happy." She revealed slightly annoyed by Happy.

"En chante, cherie." Happy said bowing as well.

"If there's anything that we can do to make your stay more comfortable?"

"I am a little hungry."

"You are? Hear that? She's hungry. Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china."

The fire on the stove roars to life, and drawers open to reveal silverware standing at attention. You were completely astonished as everything flew out landing on the island that the tea pot was standing on.

"Remember what the master said."

"Oh, pish tosh. I'm not going to let the poor child go hungry."

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