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"What? Why would you want me to do that?" he asked, stunned that she was bringing this to him.

"It's time Lindsey. The three of us need to move on with our lives, away from you and we can't do that with this tie to you still intact."

"Why would you think that I would agree to do that? I am their father after all, you can't separate the DNA on that Stevie. Are you trying to find replacement Daddy or something?"

"Oh for fucks sake Lindsey, get over yourself and your stupid jealousy! It has nothing to do with meeting someone else or anything of that sort. You have a family that you want to be a part of and it is not this one! Liliana is 4 months old and you've never even seen her! She's sitting in front of you right now and we're alone and you haven't even looked her way once! You pretend to be this wonderful father of two but you ignore the fact that you have two other children that you are not involved in their lives and that's fine, but stop using them to hold onto me. You should also know that I'm not keeping them away any more. They are my children and I'm not going to have them hidden away because you're afraid people will speculate you're their father and your wife will get suspicious." She yelled and Lindsey sat in stunned silence.

"You said you could do this on your own." He said quietly.

"Excuse me?"

"You said you could do this on your own." He repeated.

"Yes I did. When I told you about Grayson and you told me to do whatever I wanted I did say that because if it wasn't abundantly clear that you didn't want a child with me then you've made it clear the last 4 years when you wanted to break things off for good. Yet, you still managed to get me pregnant a second time. But that's off topic. I can and have done it on my own. Have you changed your mind about wanting to be a part of their lives?" Stevie asked, knowing the answer before he spoke.

"No." he barely whispered, knowing he was a shitty person for doing this.

"Then sign the paper Lindsey. Let me go. If you love me at all you'll leave me alone. I don't love you for who you are now. I love the image of what I wish you would be again, but that Lindsey would never deny his children whether he wanted me or not. I'm not just a groupie that you fucked on the road, Lindsey. It hurts that that is how you've treated me and my son and daughter."

"Can I think about it?"

"Sure, but I'm not sure what there is to think about. You don't love me Lindsey. Officially detach yourself from my children because that's the only tie you have to them." She finished and left him standing in the room. She lost her composure once she was alone but quickly regained it before plastering her smile back on her face and joining her friends. She quickly said her goodbyes, whispering to Mick that he should speak to his wife today and she then left.

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