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Stevie hung up the phone and rolled on her side to kiss Mick softly on the chest.

"What's going on darling?"

"Lindsey. Said it's an emergency, that we have to talk in person now." Stevie says as she reaches for her robe and pulls it on.

"Stevie it's 9:00 and why the fuck would you need to talk to Lindsey?"

"I'm fully aware of the time Mick. I'm sure it's something to do with us not letting Gray work out with their son. Which I wouldn't even be having to deal with this if you had been paying more attention to our son instead of the studio while I was on tour." She says, cutting her eyes over at him.

"Baby, how many times do I have to say that I'm sorry? I really never thought out of all the people that Grayson would be working out with it would be Lindsey's son. It never even crossed my mind."

"Well it should have." She yells from the closet. "I really never wanted to deal with Lindsey ever again, especially after he called me a whore and all of the other things he said about me that last day."

"I know, I know. Stevie, would you like for me to go instead?"

"Mick, as much as I don't want to deal with Lindsey, I want you to deal with him even less. You'll mention my name, he'll get mad because he's Lindsey, he'll call me a name and you'll end up punching him. And that's probably the last thing we need to happen. But, I just can't help but wonder why all of this all of the sudden?"

"Who knows with him, my dear." He said then pulled her into his arms. "Hurry back, please. I'm not done with you tonight. We have over a year to make up for." He said and kissed her hard.

"If you don't stop that, I might never leave at all." She teased, then made her way out of the bedroom to see Grayson playing video games.

"Gray, you need to shut those off and go to bed. You have school tomorrow." She reminded him and then kissed him on the head.

"OK, goodnight Mom. Are you going somewhere?" he asked.

"I just have to meet a friend really quickly. I should be home in about half an hour. I love you Gray." She says as she leaves the house.

Her thoughts are running wild while she drives to the coffee shop that Lindsey asked her to meet him at. She had thoroughly decided that if this was truly about being mad about not letting Gray and Will work out together anymore then Lindsey was a cheap ass because he could afford everything that Stevie afforded for Grayson, perhaps even easier. She had more children and God knew Mick had expensive taste and didn't make nearly the same amount of money as she. She pulled into a parking space slowly, not used to driving much anymore and checked her appearance in the mirror before getting out and going inside. She spotted Lindsey almost immediately and walked over to his table and sat across from him. He looked rather worse for wear.

"So Lindsey, what was the emergency?"

"I honestly don't even know where to start. Um, do you remember the conversation we had at the pool a few days ago?" he asked nervously.

"Yes, I recall it quite well, which is why I am completely perplexed as to why I needed to meet with you. I was fairly certain I had made myself clear."

"Oh no, you did, it's just, we weren't alone." He said and prepared for Stevie's imminent explosion.

"What do you mean we weren't fucking alone? Goddammit Lindsey, if this gets out, Lily's too young, but Gray, oh no, he's spent time with you. This will be fucking catastrophic." She says and immediately reaches down in her purse and pulls out her checkbook. "To whom and how much? This is my son we're talking about here so I'll pay whatever is necessary." She said matter of factly and Lindsey shook his head.

"No, Stevie, it's not like that. Will is the one who heard us."

"Fuck. Lindsey, has he told Grayson? Please don't let him do it, I'll talk to him, beg him, give him anything he wants, but I can't have Gray knowing this." Stevie pled.

"He says he hasn't. He was really angry with me and he wants one thing and then he will keep it to himself because he doesn't want Grayson hurt."

"What? Name it."

"He wants to meet Lily."

"Lily? But why?" Stevie asked perplexed.

"He loves Grayson, Stevie. He says Lily is his sister the same as our daughters. He just wants to meet her, is all." Lindsey explained and sat in silence as he watched Stevie process and wipe the newly collecting tears from her eyes.

"OK." She said quietly.

"OK? Great. How do you want to do this?"

"Bring him by Saturday. Make sure he isn't going to tell, Lindsey."

"I will and thank you Stevie. Will begged me to make this happen."

"I didn't do it for you. It's for the kids, they didn't do anything to deserve this. I'm sure your son is very confused, but it sure says a lot about your son that he cares that much about my children. I must give your wife so much credit, it sounds like she has raised a caring young man. God knows it doesn't come from you." She said and walked away without another word.


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