Chapter Six - She Just Feels

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She Just Feels

Elizabeth's POV

I can't keep my eyes off him.

Adrian is completely at ease, maneuvering the sailboat as if he's done it a thousand times. And he probably has. The Gwendalyn is beautiful and obviously well loved, bright canvas sails fluttering in the breeze.

The ocean view may have been stunning, but my eyes stay fixed on the man who is turning my world upside down. He's changed into a pair of dark blue shorts and a white tank top, his tattooed biceps works of art. I silently scold myself, my imagination running wild with all the things I want him to do to me - with all the things I want to do to him.

Shit, I have it hard.

I should feel badly about being here before I've had a chance to break things off with Eric...but I don't. It's not as if I'm doing anything wrong, this was no different than being out with friends. As long as nothing happens...

Don't think about it!

Shutting my eyes, I lean my head back, breathing in the salty air. The ocean spray cools my skin as the warm sun caresses my face, making me sigh in content. I'm half tempted to let the soothing bob of the sailboat lull me to sleep.

"Enjoying yourself?" Adrian's deep voice asks from above me. My stomach tightens, my body instantly reacting to his husky tone.

Opening my eyes, I meet his gaze. He's standing over me with a smirk, silver eyes shining in the sunlight.

"I really love this," I admit, smiling up at him.

His eyes light up. "I'm glad."

Sitting forward on the bench seat I watch him move around gracefully, despite the constant rocking of sailboat. "It's bigger than I expected."

Glancing at me sideways he teases, "That's what they all say."

I blush, giving him a look. "That's not what I meant!"

Laughing, he makes an adjustment to the sails, tying off a piece of rope with quick movements. "I have a smaller boat, but I thought this would be less intimidating for your first time."

I flush. Who would have thought that such an aggressive looking male could be so thoughtful and sweet? "Why name her Gwendalyn?"

"It was my mother's name," he replies absently.

My heart warms and I can't help but want to know everything. I bite my lip, too nervous to ask the questions invading my mind. "It's a pretty name."

"Thanks. I think so too." Taking a deep breath, he groans, tugging off his shirt in one easy move and tossing it aside. "Fuck, that sun feels good."

I feel my face flush with heat.

His body, dear god. Hard ridges of muscle encased in olive skin. He has even more tattoos on his narrow hips and his left nipple is pierced, the tiny silver loop glinting in the sun. I shouldn't be surprised, but I was. And so incredibly turned on.

How could one man be so perfect, so wild, so fuckable? I want to touch him, taste him, lick every inch of him.

My hands clench in my lap, my knuckles turning white. He turns away from me to grab a beer out of the cooler, exposing the muscular expanse of his back. Across his shoulders is another tattoo, elegant black letters looping together.

"Nisi forte vivere," I whisper to myself. I know it's Latin and I regret not paying attention in school.

Turning back around Adrian knocks the cap off his beer on the side of the boat and takes a deep swallow. Catching my gaze, he looks at me expectantly. "Want one, babe?"

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