Chapter Ten - She Embraces the Flame

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AN: Hey all, I went back and corrected a BUNCH of grammar issues. I've never written in present POV before and I kept flipping between past and present tense. Hopefully, I didn't totally screw up the embedded comments but I probably did. Ah, well.

You guys rock as always. Thanks for all the comments and votes. I just love you guys. XOXOXO!!

She Embraces the Flame

Elizabeth's POV

I want to die of embarrassment.

Lying in bed I refuse to open my eyes. I've been awake for a few minutes now, fully sober and with a pounding headache. My sweater and leggings are gone and I'm guessing Adrian must have removed them after my little incident in the bathroom.

I can't believe I puked my guts out right in front of him. To make matters worse I'm fairly certain I threw up on his shoes before passing out.

Someone kill me.

"You gonna pretend to be asleep all day?" Adrian's low voice asks.


I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter and pull the blankets up over my head.

From under the covers I hear him sigh loudly. "Come on, Ellie." He doesn't sound angry. But he doesn't sound happy either.

"How long was I out for?" I ask, my voice muffled by the blankets.

"About four hours."


"Have you been here the whole time?"


"Why?" Anyone else would have run for the hills.

"I was worried."

My heart clenches with a strange happiness despite my misery. It feels nice to have someone care. Especially Adrian. "Thank you."

"I wouldn't thank me just yet." The underlying threat in his tone has butterflies swarming in my stomach. There's no doubt about it, I'm in big trouble.

I squirm nervously under my cocoon of blankets. As if they could protect me...


"Yes, Ellie?"

"Did I throw up on your shoes?" I all but groan.

"Yes, you did," he replies bluntly.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

"I'm sorry," I moan, burying even deeper under the covers.

"Oh, I plan to have you make up for it," he promises. His voice is closer now. I feel a hand tug at my blankets. "Time to get up."

"I don't want to," I pout like a child. I can't face him. I'm just too embarrassed.

"Now," he orders, giving the blankets a hard tug and yanking them off me.

I sit up sulkily. My hair is a mess, falling in tangled locks of dark brown around my face. I can only imagine what the rest of me looks like.

Adrian is standing over the bed, watching me. I stare at the floor. I can't bring myself to look at him just yet.

His feet are bare.

Because you threw up on his shoes, dumbass!

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

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