Chapter Twelve - Bad Intentions

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AN: This is a short one guys! And don't worry about Adrian in the last chapter. He's not going to turn into a some possessive billionaire boyfriend.

Bad Intentions

Isabelle's POV

I stare up at the ceiling, anger burning hot inside me. How dare Elizabeth do this to me. The whore.

My brain can't fathom it. Pathetic stuttering Elizabeth and Adrian Hunter? In what universe does that ever happen?

It wasn't fair. And I won't allow it.

Beside me Ty sits up in bed. His curly hair is a mess and there are numerous hickeys and scratches over his chest and neck. I went overboard, but I was in a foul mood and he took the brunt of it.

Running a hand through his mop of hair he glances over at me. His face is riddled with guilt. "This can't happen again."

My anger intensifies. Who the hell does he think he's talking to? Maneuvering to my knees I reach over and grab his chin in a tight grip, letting my nails dig into his skin. "This will happen as much as I want," I snarl.

He winces in pain. "I have a girlfriend. I love her."

"Not my problem," I scoff, shoving his face away from me.

"She's my whole life!" Ty shouts. "If she finds out..."

My hand flies out, slapping him across the face. "I'm your life!" Reaching behind him I grab a fist of his hair, yanking his head back. "Me. I'm all you need."

"Stop," he grits through clenched teeth. His eyes are reflection of fury, confusion, and sadness.

Damn it. So sensitive.

Letting go of his hair I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him softly. "I'm sorry, handsome. I'm having a bad day."

"Why won't you let me go?" he whispers.

My face hardens. I'm in no mood to coddle him. Releasing him I don't even bother to hide the disgust from my voice. "You're so pathetic. Go take a shower."

"Alright," he mumbles weakly. He gets up and heads for the hotel bathroom. I watch him with scorn filled eyes. His back is riddled with scratch marks from my nails. The knowledge that I hurt him gives me some mild satisfaction. He'll feel the pain long after he leaves.

Standing, I slip on my silk robe and head for the bar. The hotel suite is fully equipped with a kitchen and sitting area. It's a lovely room, the kind of elegance I deserve, and fully paid for thanks to my moronic boyfriend and his no limit credit card.

Pouring myself a scotch I drown it quickly, then pour another. What the hell is going on with my life? First my sister and now my boy toy are giving me shit. Don't they know who they're fucking with? I always get what I want.

I need to figure out a plan to deal with Elizabeth. As my mother stated we can use her fling with Adrian to our advantage. It was an easy in. Tomorrow night at the gala I would make my move. Let's see what Ellie's precious Adrian thinks of her once he gets a look at me.

My lips curl into a grin.

Adrian Hunter. Billionaire.

My imagination runs wild. When Adrian is mine I can have anything I want. Anything. And my foolish sister can crawl back into her hole.

I chuckle, finishing off my drink and heading back to bed. As I curl up into the soft sheets Ty's phone starts to vibrate on the bedside table. Glancing at it I notice a photo of some young blonde on the home screen.

Annoyed I pick it up and answer curtly, "Yes?"

"Uh...hello?" It's a girl's voice. "Is Ty there?"

"Who's this?" I hiss.

"His girlfriend. Sarah. Who is this?"

The bitch. Glancing at the bathroom door a malicious smile twists my lips. "This is the woman your boyfriend is fucking," I reply sweetly.

"What?" she chokes.

"Stop calling. Compared to me you're nothing," I sneer. I don't wait for a response, hanging up and tossing aside his cell.

Ty is my toy. And I don't like to share.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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