When I Met Hiro

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Yuki's POV

I ran from the classroom, tears streaming from my eyes. I'm so stupid! As if he would have been looking at me! Stupid, stupid Yuki! Idiot Yuki! I ran out the school building and into the forest. My feet were taking me somewhere, but I didn't know where. After a while I stopped running and sank down in the grass, my head on my knees. Why do I like him if he's obviously straight? I'm such an idiot! I scolded myself for a few more minutes, then thought about what had happened. Damn I looked like an idiot! I could have just told him that I had been upset because I had thought he had wanted to talk, and I felt left out. That was completely reasonable! I'm such an idiot. I can't even talk to him without him thinking I'm crazy. He laughs at all my jokes, even though they're never funny, he talks to me, even though he's the future alpha, he is concerned for me, but all I do is act like a spastic idiot. Why am I so stupid?

I get up and brush myself off. There's no point in going back to school, too many questions. I sigh and walk further into the forest. Birds tweeted above me and I heard mice and other small animals shuffling about on the ground. I loved the forest. It was my haven. It's where I met Hiro.

It had been raining and I was in the forest with my brother. We had split up when a bear ran at us went we got to close to her cubs. I didn't know where I was and I was scared. The bear was still nearby, I could smell it if only faintly, and my brother was nowhere in sight. Hiro had been taking a walk in the forest when he heard me scream. The bear had found me and Hiro had thrown a stick in a different direction to lure it away from me. Our eyes locked for less than a second as he grabbed my hand and ran with me back to camp. When we had gotten home, my brother was there. He was soaked, but he held me tight and almost cried. I had never seen him so happy in my whole life. He didn't even punish me.

I stopped thinking about that as tears came to my eyes. Hiro won't ever love me, so I'm just wasting my heart. I should look for a good strong women so I can continue my line of the family. Who am I kidding? I'm gay through and through. Girls didn't give me butterflies went I saw a particularly good looking one. I just like guys. There were a few other guys who liked me, and I know, if I gave them the chance, they would devour me whole. I sighed again and started to walk back towards the school building. That was when a cloth was over my mouth and I heard a gruff voice.

"Where are you going?"

(Ok, so I uploaded twice today and I'm really proud of it. I was getting discouraged when no one was commenting or anything, but now I'm fully motivated again and I hope you all enjoy reading!)

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