Hiro's Decision

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Hiro's POV

I stared at my so called father and shook my head. "Can I call you back in a little while?" The man on the phone laughed. "Ok, but that's more time I have with Yuki, and less time you have with him!" This made me break my calm facade. "YOU BASTARD! TELL ME WHERE YUKI IS! I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS! THAT IS NOT A THREAT, THAT IS A PROMISE!" I threw the phone on the ground and ran my hands through my hair as I heard the phone splinter to pieces as it hit the ground. Everyone looked suprised by my outburst. I couldn't worry about this now. My main focus had to be Yuki. Rescue him and make sure he's safe. I remember something. My 18th birthday was in three days. I sighed and ran my hands threw my hair again. It would be three days until my mate claimed me, or I claimed my mate. It all depends on who's older, but we both have to be at least eighteen. I sighed as a hand touched my shoulder. Rin looked at me with a worried look. "Are you ok?" I nodded. Can't show anything to anyone. My father looks at me with a certain understanding.

We will talk of this later. This is not for their eyes.

My father nodded in my direction. I nodded back and then turned my attention back to the map that was in front of me. I could see where Rin had put a line where Yuki's sent was. I decided. I was going find Yuki by myself, but first I had to tap into Rin's Gift. I looked at him and he smiled a little. "What do you want to do? I don't care if you don't want me along. Cuz if you tell me I can't come, then I'll just follow you." I laughed lightly. "No, Rin. Let me use your Gift." Rin swallowed, but he still nodded. I walked forward to him and placed a hand on his neck. "I'm going to try not to hurt you, ok?" Rin nodded and closed his eyes. I lowered my head to his neck and gripped him with my claws after we had both shifted. I locked my jaws around his neck, careful not to hurt him, and bite down so my teeth just brush his skin. I puncture his skin ever so slightly with one of my back teeth and I can feel myself start to growl the chant in my throat. Rin winces once, when his Gift leaves his body. I release him and shake myself out in my wolf form.

Are you ok, Rin?

Rin nodded and rubbed his neck. I nuzzled his hand in apology, then went to go. "Where are you going, Hiro?" I stared back at my father, Yuki's father, Jason, and Rin.

I'm going to find Yuki.

(Another chapter!!! It will get longer promise!!)

-If You Are Interested

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