Chapter 3

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Emma's P.O.V:

I was running around while Jasper was chasing me around,because i teased him about him and Alice when I saw them kiss.I ran to the living room hiding behind aunt Esme "Aunty Esme help me!"I squealed,"Jasper stop chasing your niece"Esme fake scolded,I started to giggle,suddenly I was lifted off the ground and onto some one's shoulder,I screamed and started hitting the persons back

"wow Emma didn't know you hitted that weakly"I heard Eddie chuckle,I pouted and crossed my arms still on Eddie's back,"hey i'm just a 14 year old girl"I defended,I saw uncle Carlisle walking past us,

"UNCLE CARLISLE HELP ME!!!"I yelled,while uncle Carlisle watched amused "Edward put Emma down"he said calmly,"yeah Eddie put me down"I said,Edward sighed and put me down,I suddenly looked at the time and it was dinner time,I walked into the kitchen and plopped down on the kitchen stool as aunt Esme gave me my dinner "thanks aunty"I said and started eating.

After I finished my dinner and washed the dish,I walked into the living room and sat along with the family "hey,how come I never see you guys eat?and why are there blood packs inside the fridge?"I asked suddenly,everyone looked at me "promise to keep it a secret?"Mum asked,"yes mom"I replied crossing my heart

"dear we dont want you to be mad at us but we are vampires"aunt Esme said,wait vampires?well that's cool I guess,I thought and just simply nodded "okay umm Emma time for bed you got school tomorrow"Mum said leading me to my bedroom.

She layed me down on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed "promise not to tell any one sweetie,otherwise it wont be so good"mommy said kissing my forehead,"I promise mum"I replied,"oh and remember tomorrow at school you call us by our names,no aunty or mommy or daddy okay?"

"mum I know."I said falling into a deep sleep...


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