Chapter 42

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Emma's P.O.V.:

It's been two weeks since I found out about Bella being pregnant and two weeks since I've last seen Seth and have been hunting.It's been a week since Jacob came and was about to kill Edward like I tried doing.

"Emma I think you should go and visit Seth,I know you miss him and I know he's missing you"Alice said,I shook my head "Bella's more important"I said."Atleast hunt,you'll die if you don't considering your half human"Alice said worried.I just shook my head and looked out my bedroom window.

Seth's P.O.V:

I was patrolling around till I heard Jacob's thoughts about Bella being pregnant.Sam growled at everyone to be at a clearing in La Push where we'll have a meeting in his alpha voice.

"We have to protect the tribe!what they bred won't be able to control it's thirst!Every human will be in danger.We must destroy it before it's born.Her choice affects us all!We have real enemies to fight tonight!You will fight with us Jake!"Sam growled.

Jake and Sam went on growling at each other,"I...Will...Not!I am the grandson of Ephraim Black.I am the grandson of the chief!I wasn't born to follow you or any one else!"Jake growled and ran away.

"Nevermind him!"Sam growled at us,"what about Emma?"I asked,"she's a threat to us now!"he growled at me,I whimpered back.

"but she's my best friend!"Leah growled at him,"she's like our older sister"Collin and Brady added."And you said she wasn't a threat three weeks ago"Brady said.

"She's my imprint!"I finally said,"We won't hurt her but she's still our enemy!we will not fall for her tricks!"Sam growled.

I don't care,she's my imprint...

Emma's P.O.V:

I smelled Leah's scent...Leah!

I ran vampire speed outside and saw her,Seth and Jacob!I ran and crushed Leah in a hug "I missed you so much Leah"I whimpered,"me too Ems"she said and hugged me back.

I pulled away a few moments later and pulled Seth in a hug and buried my neck on his chest "I love you"I said and took in his sweet scent,"love you too Emmie"he said kissing my hair and holding me to his chest.

I pulled away "you guys should go inside"I said,they nodded....well Seth and Jake did,I looked at Leah "come on,if you can stand my smell you can stand theirs"I said putting my hand out for her to take it.

"I'll just stay back here,I don't do good with vampires.And for your information you don't smell like a lee...Vampire,you smell like vanilla"she cut herself off before she said leech because I gave her a look."i'll stay with you"I said and sat down on the ground and pulled her down by me.

"your eyes are black instead of blue,you haven't been hunting have you?"Leah said,I just nodded slowly.

"you know you should go hunt"she said,I shoook my head no "she can give birth any moment,she told me to deliver it and if i'm not there something might go wrong."I said.Leah looked at me sadly but said nothing.

It was night and Bella was asleep while Seth,Leah and Jake were watch out outside.I decided to tell Carlisle my new powers so I knocked on his office door.

"come in"he said in his calm voice,I went inside "what can I do for you Emma?"he asked smiling,"uncle Carli,I found out one of my new powers"I said sitting down on a chair,"what is your new power?"he asked.

"well,if I look into some one's eyes and if I want to know their information I find out everything"I said looking at him,"could you demonstrate at me?and say it out loud"he said,I nodded.

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