Chapter 37

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Emma's P.O.V:

"Emma wake up!Bella's already here!"Alice said shaking me awake,I shot up and ran straight to the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth.

I quickly put on my underwear and bra and a robe on.I rushed outside and sat down on the chair where Alice told me to and dried my hair and started doing my hair and make up.

Then she handed me the dress to change into.Bella picked out the dress for me.It was bright blue and it had a sequin belt around its waist.The dress matched my eye color.

I put the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror.

Bella was right,it did suit me.I thought and Mum came in.

When she saw me she gasped and pulled me in a hug "you look so beautiful honey"she said and let go of the hug "thanks mum"I said and kissed her cheek.

I walked ran vampire speed into the room Bella would be in and saw her looking beautiful.

"Bella-boo you look so perfecto!"I tried saying it in a posh voice but failed making me and Bella go in a fit of giggles."thanks Emma,See told you the dress would look good on you"she winked and I blushed.

It was time so I walked down the stairs and out where there were plenty of guests.

I sat down on the piano chair since i'll be playing the song when she comes out.Yeah she insisted since I took lessons from Edward when I was five.

Alice gave me the signal and I started to play the wedding song for when the bride comes out.

When Bella reached Edward,I played the last tune and stopped to listen to them.

After they kissed I cheered and clapped along with the others.

Finally when it was over,I went over to Bella and Edward to congratulate them,"Congratulations!I have another sister"I said wiping away a fake tear and sniffling.Bella laughed while Edward just rolled his eyes at me.

"dont you roll your eyes at me Edward Anthony Mason Cullen!"I fake scolded but ended up giggling at the end along with Bella,Edward just gave out a smile.

"If you ever hurt her when she comes back,you'll regret it Eddie and I know that you know that I mean it"I said all serious,his eyes widened and nodded.

I hugged Bella and Edward then went off to find Seth since Bella invited him over.

I felt some one put an arm around my waist,I smiled knowing who he is and turned around and pecked him on the lips.

"so you'd be doing that to any stranger?what if it wasn't me?"Seth said in fake hurt,I rolled my eyes "I know its you because of your scent Seth"I said in a 'duh' tone,"oh"he said embarrassed and buried his head in my hair making me giggle.

"shall we dance?"he asked in a posh voice,I giggled "yes we shall kind sir"I said and took his hand and we began to waltz around talking and laughing.

"you look beautiful"Seth whispered in my ear,I blushed "I don't"I said putting my head at the crook of his neck,he lifted my head by my chin and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Emma Snow Cullen,your one of the most beautiful girls i've ever met.No scratch that you ARE the most exotic and beautiful girl in the whole world and i'm glad your my imprint"he said and kissed me.

I melted in the kiss and kissed back,I pulled away and hugged him "thanks Seth"I said,"I love you Emma"he said kissing my hair,"I love you too Seth".

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