Emma's P.O.V:
It's been two weeks and I met some really interesting vampires.Today is the day the Volturi will come and I was really scared but it was worth it to protect Ness.
I was standing in between mom and dad and Seth was in wolf form beside mom.We were waiting for the Volturi to come. We finally saw them and I heard Garrette say "the red coats are coming,the red coats are coming" Dad protectively put his hand on my shoulder and my mum had hold of my hand and Seth was guarding us.
Uncle Carlisle stepped forward "Aro,let us discuss things as we used to in a civilized manner"Carlisle said calmly "farewell Carlisle,a little out of place considering the betallion you have assembled agains't us"Aro said his eyes landing on me.
"I can promise you it was never my attempt.No laws have been broken"Carlisle said,"we see the child and the half vampire,do not treat us like fools"Cauis said looking at me.
"she is not an immortal!these witnesses can attest to that,or you can look.See the flesh of human blood in her cheeks"Carlisle said loudly,I was shocked because I always saw him calm and collected."Artifist!"Cauis said not believing him.
"I will collect every information of truth,Emma come forth"Aro said,I felt mums hand tighten on my hand.I stiffly walked forward towards him as dad and Seth were behind me.
I was infront of Aro now and dad and Seth were a little inches behind incase they try something,"ah,the half vampire half human otherwise known as the immortal"Aro said,"I'm not an immortal"I whispered but he heard. "I'll see about that"he said taking my hand and reading my thoughts.He watched through when I was delivering Renensmee for Bella,when I got bitten and got half the venom out of me,when Seth proposed to me and me playing with Ness as she grew.
Aro stopped and looked at my hand,I was wearing the engagement ring."I see you are to marry this mutt"Aro snarled,Seth growled.I snatched my hand back "he is not a mutt!"I hissed. I suddenly felt pain in my head,I fell on my knees as I was screaming trying to force the pain out.Within a second my dad was beside me,so was Seth.Dad hissed at Jane telling her to stop.The pain suddenly went away and I felt more scared and weak compared to them.
Dad help me up and helped balance myself as we quickly walked towards where we were standing.Mum glared at Jane and Jane smirked and she nudged Alec whispering something in his ear,he looked at me and smirked.Mum hugged me and dad did the same. "now from some one more central to the story...Edward"Aro said,Edward went towards Aro and gave him his hand.Then Aro told Bella and Ness to come forth,dad walked with them so mum shifted me to her left side so now I was in between Seth and mum.
Seth rubbed his nose at the palm of my hand,I looked at him and kissed his wolf head and put my hand on his head."bring the informer for me"Cauis said as Bella and Ness walked back with Eddi. "is that the child you saw?"he asked Irina,"I dont know"she answered,Cauis looked at Jane "this child is bigger!"She said,"then your navigations were false" "The Cullens are innocent,I take full responsibility for my mistake"Irina said.
Cauis then ordered Felix and Demetri to burn her,I buried my head in Seth's fur.I heard Tanya and Kate scream,I gripped Seth's fur.When the girls calmed down I suddenly felt pain again.
I fell on my knees but I wasn't screaming so I wouldn't satisfy her,the pain went away and I saw Bella who was focusing on me,I guess she shielded me."Aro you see there is no law broken here"Carlisle said,"Agree,but does it then follow that the child is not dangerous to our kind.Spare ourselves to not fight today,only to die tomorrow"Aro said. I heard Alice's thoughts and I looked at her "Alice"I whispered.Alice walked to Aro and held her hand out.He took her hand and read her mind.I read Aro's mind.
"even if I show you,you still won't change your decision!"Alice said angrily snatching her hand back,she looked back at Bella mouthing 'now'.She kicked Aro and he went flying back.Felix and Demetri held Alice.
Just then Carlisle lost his cool "Let her go!"he yelled and ran forward pushing the guards out of the way,Aro snapped uncle Carlisles head off and I screamed so did Esme "UNCLE CARLISLE!"I screamed,I had tears streaming down my face.
Thats when all hell broke loose.I ran vampire speed and ripped some guards apart.Some one grabbed me by the neck and slammed me on the floor and it bloody hell hurt!I growled and looked up and saw Alec smirking,I felt my body go on fire and his eyes widened.I pushed him off me and tried to pull his head off but black smoke came out of his hands and surrounded me.
I felt my whole body become numb and I fell to the ground,Alec's hand wrapped around my neck and he was choking me,I coughed and struggled to push him away but it didn't work.Some one pushed Alec away from me and I was breathing in the air I could get since I was unfortunately still half human and half vampire.I looked and saw Ben,I smiled slighlty and got up and killed a vampire who was about to kill my mom,mum thanked me and ran off to fight the others.
I hissed as a bunch of vampires ran towards me.I used air to push them back but I heard a heart breaking howl...Leah,I looked over and saw Seth...dead.I let out a gasp and my eyes were blurred with tears.I was so distracted that I forgot about the bunch of vampires that were after me.
Felix and Demetri grabbed me,I got really angry that my soon to be husband died and I screamed in anger and I felt my body lit up with flames.I growled and jumped on Felix's shoulders and snapped his head off.
Demetri was about to pounce on me but I threw a flame at him and he was burning alive.I suddenly felt pain in my body and it was stronger than normal,I looked up at Jane and saw her smirking. I felt arms around my neck and thats where everything went black...
I gasped and I felt mum grab my waist to keep me from falling "Emma what did you see?"she asked,I just shook my head and buried my head in Seths fur,with tears streaming down my face, not wanting him to leave me.I felt Alice talking to Aro but I didn't want to listen,I just wanted my family and the others to be okay.I felt gusts of winds,I looked up and saw the Volturi leave.Mom and dad grabbed me in a hug and I happily hugged back.
"It's going to be fine now,everything is going to be fine"mum said squeezing me in the hug,I laughed happily and pulled away from the family hug,I looked at Seth and he was looking at me lovingly.I laughed and hugged his big wolf head and kissed his wet nose. He went to shapeshift behind the trees and he came back a few minutes later,I ran up to him and crushed him in a hug with him hugging back,I pulled back from the hug and held his cheeks with both of my hands and placed a kiss on his forehead,then his nose,then his lips.I knew then that everything will go right...

Little Cullen
FanficRosalie find a little girl in the woods...will she be taken into the family?