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Olivia's POV

I was just doing my daily Twitter stalking, as I came across a new tweet, from an English babe.

Yeah, Harry and I are hah...pretty close *flips hair and winks*.

Nah, I lied. He doesn't even know I exist. But, sooner or later, he will...

But, I don't want to come off as some crazed fan. Because, I'm not..

Yes, I stalk them..well..I stalk Harry on Twitter. But, I don't stalk him in real life. I don't know his every move. But, I do know that he's in California, filming in his new movie Dunkirk, which I'm really excited about.

I'm not just excited about Harry acting, but the movie in general. I'm a big Christopher Nolan fan, so I'm pretty excited that the two things I love most in the world are coming together; it's like a dream come true...

And I might actually get to see Harry, because I'm also in California. I wasn't exactly born here, but I did move here when I turned 21, which was last year.

I was so annoyed by my parents, so I decided to ditch New York, and move to The Golden State called California.

I live in an small apartment, which I live alone in. And no, I'm not in a relationship of any kind. Because, I find most men I've met around here only want one thing, and that isn't my personality.

I've met a few nice guys, but they all turned out to be gay. And when I meant they, I meant my best friend Darren.

He comes over to my house sometimes, just to check up to see what I'm doing. We usually just chill at Santa Monica. Darren loves his tans. But, I however burn to death; which isn't fun, by the way.

As I was sitting on the toilet listening to Temporary Fix, I scroll through my Twitter, and click on Harry's tweet.


On the set of Dunkirk, and it's amazing!

I quickly type in a tweet then sent it off.


@Harry_Styles I'm so proud of my teddy! \(._.)/ *hugs*

Yeah.. I know, I'm strange.

How'd you guys like my first chapter? Please leave down in the comments below what you thought, so I know that I should make more. Don't forget to vote, it really helps.

Farewell, my loves!

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