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Harry's POV

It has been seven hours since we took off, it's been nothing but quiet and peaceful.

Olivia was in the main room taking a nap on the king sized bed, and I was just siting by myself looking out the window.

The reason she's taking a nap is because she usually doesn't like to be woken up so early, so I wanted to be nice a lend her my bed.

  I look out the window as I see clouds passing by very quickly, and I see just water from bellow. But out of nowhere, I heard a loud thump noise coming from where Olivia is. So I got up and knocked on her door very gently but no one answered, so I automatically opened the door quietly just in case she was asleep; which she was. But, in a very unusual way.

She was sleeping on the floor, and I just quietly laughed at her.

I felt like being a gentleman, so I peacefully picked her up from off of the ground; she was actually pretty light.

  I then placed her onto the bed,  and sat next to her. By my surprise she grabbed onto me tightly and basically pulled me down to a cuddling position. I thought she was awake but she was snoring like crazy, and I just smiled.

I noticed a bunch of hair covering her face, so I brought my hand towards it and pulled it away and placed it behind her ear. She is so beautiful...

I slowly went down towards her forehead, and gave her a quick peck just before there was a loud knock on the door. I pulled away from her and climbed off of the bed and went to the door.

I opened it, and saw Beth the flight attendant waiting patiently behind my door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Mr. Styles, but we are about to land in a few minutes." She smiled, and I returned the gesture.

"Thank you Beth." I said and she just nodded and went the other way.

I went back in the room to see Olivia wide awake smiling widely, and I knew exactly what must've been on her mind.

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