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Olivia's POV

When I woke up, I was in my room. But when I looked around a bit more, I wasn't. I was in a hospital bed, with tubes connected to me.

How the fuck did I end up in a hospital bed? The last thing I remember was exiting Starbucks with Darren, and then I drove us home. He didn't drive because he was tired, or something. I can't remember past that. Though, I do remember texting Harry, but, nothing else.

I've never actually have been in a hospital bed before. And, it wasn't comfy at all. I felt as if I was laying on bricks. 

I looked around and I pressed this button which I assume is what I press whenever I want, or need something. And when I did press it this person came in a few minutes later.

"Hello, Olivia. How are you?" A women questioned, who I assume was a nurse.

"I'm fine, I guess." I paused and rubbed my eyes, "How did I end up here?" I ask politely.

"You were in a horrific accident. You came in one week ago, and you've been unconscious ever since, well, until now."

Wait..-an accident?!

"Where's Darren?!" I questioned worriedly, sitting up from my uncomfortable bed. 

"Miss. You need to calm down." She said sternly, but I didn't listen. I felt like I was having a panic attack. Where's Darren?!

"Where is he then?!" I screamed, with panic all through my voice. The woman didn't say anything, she just frowned. "Where is he?!" I repeated, but she just shook her head.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. I repeated over, and over in my head. I brought my hands towards my face and began to sob into them.

"No! It's not what you think." She says.

"What do you mean?" I looked up to her, still sobbing.

"I mean that he's okay, but at the same time his condition isn't okay."

"What happened? Where is he?" I asked, getting ready to find him.

"He's in the room next to this. But, you're also in a bad condition. You can't go anywhere."

"You still haven't answered my question. What happened?" I asked again.

"When the ambulance came to find you two, they found you in your car. But, your friend flew right through the windshield. When he did, he cracked some of his skull. Nothing too deadly, but he hasn't woken up at all. They don't know if he will wake up. There is a possibility, but it's very low." I widen my eyes feeling like my whole world has tumbled down. I feel as if I could sob and never stop.

"I want to see him.." I paused, "I need to see him. Just let me see him! Please!" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry, miss. But, I'm afraid that I cannot let you see him-"

"I don't give a shit. I need to see him!" I screamed, standing up. She then came walked towards me to stop me from going anywhere.

"Stop! You need to calm down-" I pushed pass her, and removed all the tubes connected to me. She tried to stop me, but I didn't let her.

He is my everything. And nobody can keep him, away from me.

When I begin to walk, I felt my whole body ache. I felt my legs getting weaker and weaker with every step. But, I didn't care.

When I walked into his room; pushing past everyone in my way, I finally saw him. He was unrecognizable-

"Miss, you can't be in here!" the same women said, and I was getting very annoyed.

"You honestly think I give a damn?! My best friend almost died, and you honestly think I give a shit, if I'm not allowed to be in here?"

"I'm sorry. But, it's against hospital policy.." she looked at me sympathetically, and I just rolled my eyes. "You know what?" she paused, "Go see him.. I'll take the blame." I widen my eyes and thanked her, then she left the room.

I walked to the nearest seat, and sat down right beside him. He looked awful, and it was all my fault. Why couldn't I just keep my eyes on the road? Yeah, texting Harry was pretty great and all. But, it's not worth losing a friend over.

I looked over at him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. He's wearing a long white brace around his whole body. He had cuts and bruises everywhere. On his face, arms, legs, everywhere. I noticed that his hair was no longer gelled perfectly down, and I just chuckled to myself. He'd be so embarrassed to not have his hair gelled. But, here I am staring at his messy curls which I adore. I love him so much. He's not just a friend to me, he is more than that. He's basically a piece of me. And if he ever died, a piece of myself would die with him. He's my brother, and he will always be my brother..

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Love y'all

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