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Harry's POV

3 Week Later

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

That was the sound of somebody calling me. Great.

"Hello?" I said while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Hey! It's Meredith.."

"Meredith? Oh.. Hey! Why're you calling this early? What's going on?" I asked, but then heard her chuckle from the other line.

"It's like.... 1 in the afternoon." I widen my eyes and looked at the time on my phone.

"I guess you're right.." I yawn. "What's going on, anyways?"

"My husband and I, are planning on going out to go eat.  But, if you wanted you could come along." She suggests. And, I just shook my head even though she couldn't see.

"I don't think that's such a good idea.."

"Why not?" she asked peacefully.

"It's just- I-I, never mind." I rolled my eyes remembering how harsh I was to Olivia. And, knowing that she was in an accident. I haven't had a decent sleep in weeks because of what happened. I just hope she's doing well.

"Sure.." I finished.

"Really? Okay! We're going to be in this restaurant called haban-" I cut her off.

"Habana café? Yeah. I'll be there in an hour, max. Say hello to your husband for me. See you in a bit!" When I ended the call I stood up from my comfy bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a quick miserable shower.

I grabbed a clean beige towel and place it onto the toilet seat. And then, I began to undress myself. Once I did, I went straight into the shower and closed the blurry glass doors.

The water started to run down my skin as I took ahold of my shampoo, and then placed the soap on my hair and started to mix it in.

Once I rinsed out all of the soap, I added in conditioner and rinsed that out too.

I then stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist and then walked towards the mirror. I wiped away the steam on it, and looked into it.

I had dark circles under my eyes, which show that I haven't slept decent in ages; which would be accurate. I should probably go message Olivia.

Maybe, she might've unblocked me.

(Dm between Harry and Olivia)

Harry Styles:
How are you? Please, please message me.

Olivia Gracie:
(This user has blocked you)

I sighed in frustration. Why does she have to be so, so stubborn? I get what I did was wrong, but I said sorry multiple times. Seriously. I said sorry every single day for three weeks and she hasn't even replied. Of course she hasn't... She blocked me so she can't see how hard I'm trying. Maybe I could meet her again in person, and get her to forgive me. I'm really trying here, I really am.

I quickly checked the time on my phone and it's 1:39, so I have at least an hour to get there, if not thirty minutes or more.

I quickly walked towards my bedroom, and pulled out one of my loose white shirts from one of my drawers. I didn't bother to look at it, I just threw it over my head. I then grabbed button up shirt and put that on myself as well.

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