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Harry's POV

"We're here," the driver said.

I haven't told her yet, but I'm actually bringing her to my hometown. It's nothing fancy, but I still love it here.

I was surprised when I found out that green day was preforming here. When I heard I just had to get tickets for her birthday; but what she doesn't know is that we also got backstage passes to meet them in person.

I've actually never met Billie in person, but if my first time will be with Olivia then I'm happy.

I opened the door to be face to face with my old home. The roof still had its reddish brown colour, with the rest of the House was cream coloured. It's quite weird looking at it, since I haven't been here in years. But it's very refreshing seeing it in the first time in a long time.


Olivia's POV

When the car stopped Harry soon after exited it, I waited in the car patiently as he walked over to my side.

I was extremely excited, not only to see Green Day in the flesh. But to also see where we are.

He opened the door on my side, and held his hand out for me to take, which I did.

As soon as I left the vehicle, I felt a cool breeze on my face. This was nothing like California; over there it's extremely humid.

I looked around, and all I saw were town houses. The one house we were in front of us looked familiar.

Did Harry bring me to his old home in Cheshire?

I looked over at Harry, and he was biting his lip nervously.

"I know it's nothing like Paris, or whatever. But this place is special to me." He paused coming closer to me, "And you are also special to me."

"Harry, it's perfect."

I couldn't help but grin, he brought his face close to mine and tried to kiss me. But I moved my head, so his lips would land on my cheek.

"Let's go inside." I blushed.

"Good idea."


I know that this chapter is very short, and I know that I haven't updated in forever. I just lost my creativity for this book. But, I'm not going to discontinue (ha). The chapters will just take longer to make. I was going to make a trailer, but I posted it, and it got copyrighted sooo..

Also, I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and it turns out that I have depression. So it's been hard lately, but I'm trying to update for all of you, I really am.


I hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful day.


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