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Olivia's POV

At this very moment, I'm looking into a old hospital mirror with a stranger as my reflection. She's pale, with greasy brown hair. She's very skinny, and she's wearing ratty clothes. There's dark circles under her hazel brown eyes, and she had tears on her cheeks. She looked terrible, I looked terrible..

These past few weeks have been nothing but horrible.

Darren still hasn't woken up, and I'm so, so terrified. What if he never recovers? It'd be all my fault, I was the one who was driving. But, I have to stay strong for him, because he's trying to do the same for me.

I brought my right hand towards the rusty faucet, and turned the water on. I washed my hands over and over again, no matter how many times I would wash them I'd still feel dirty. It's probably because I haven't showered in several days, but I don't feel dirty physically, it was more....emotionally.

After about five minutes with my hands under the freezing cold water, I decided I've had enough. I pulled out a piece of paper towel from a dispenser, and wiped my hands until they were dry. I quickly left the hospital bathroom, and headed towards Darren's room.

It didn't take longer then one minute to actually get back into the room, but when I did, I saw a very tall figure to his back.

"H-Hello?" As soon as I said that, I regretted it right afterwards. He turned around, and I saw the same brown hair which I used to adore. How did he find me? How did he even know that I was in a hospital?

"W-Why are y-you here?" I said just above a whisper.

"I came to see you.." he trailed off, and began to frown. "You look...-" I cut him off.

"Hideous and horrible? Hah, thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"No, actually. I was about to say unwell."

"That would be accurate." I groaned, "Why are you here?" I asked bluntly while taking a spare seat next to Darren.

"I came to see you-"

"Why though?" I asked again.

"I miss you, and I know you miss me too."

"Me? Miss you? Hah! You're funny.."

"I've made one horrible mistake. Please, just forgive me." As he said as he stood right in front of me, with wide eyes.

"It's not that easy to forgive someone. Especially, when they break my trust." I stood up facing him, "I told you the first time we started doing this, I don't do second chances-" I was cut of by a pair of lips smacking onto mine, but I immediately push him away. "Don't you dare do that! I've had enough of your bullshit! Get out!" he hesitated for a few seconds.


"Now!" I screamed on the stop of my lungs, while pointing towards the door.

Then he disappeared..

Harry's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Meredith questioned sweetly. But, all I did was nod. I told Meredith to not come, because I want to do this on my own. It would be nice if she was there, and give me step by step what to do, but I want to do this on my own. I've never been in this position before, ever. Yeah, of course I've had several people I cared about. But, none like her.

I walked towards from 226 which is where Olivia should be. I nearly jogged my way there, dodging everything and everyone in my way.

When I did make it there I saw something I never want to see again.

Olivia kissing another guy..

I don't know why I felt jealous, she wasn't my girlfriend. She probably never will because of what I did to her. But, first off why didn't she mention she was seeing someone? I know it's none of my business, but that's something she should've told me before we started messaging one another. But, why am I feeling jealous? It's not like we were going to be anything other then friends.

I shook my head to myself, and walked away. I quickly went into the elevator and clicked 1. But before I could do anything, I heard a loud female screaming coming from Olivia's area. I quickly made my way back there, but before I could I saw the same guy that was kissing Olivia walking out of her room in a rush.

I ignored him. I kept jogging towards her room until I saw a her with her face in her hands, with her back facing me. I slowly walked up from behind her, and the I placed my hand onto shoulder and heard her sobbing. She then shrugged me off. She quickly turned to face me in anger, until she made eye contact with me and my green eyes met her hazel ones. Her mouth dropped, and her eyes went wide.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have no decent excuses, I was honestly too lazy and had zero ideas.

I hope all of you have an amazing day, love y'all!


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