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Olivia's POV

Do you remember when I said I never found any good guy? And that they all turned out to be pricks; except Darren? Well, the person who tapped my shoulder was my ex. His name is Travis.

I thought he loved me, because I loved him. But, one day I came home from working at the gallery. And I caught him fucking some whore in our bedroom. So, I left him. I don't give second chances. Never have, never will.

He still lives in our apartment we lived in, with that same slut. Thankfully I found a decent apartment on my own and now I'm living there.

"What the hell do you want? How many times do I have to tell you to stay the hell away from me!? Do I have to put a fucking restraining order against you!" I yelled and people started to really stare. But, I didn't care.

"Listen, Olivia-" I cut him off.

"No! You do not have the right to make me listen to your unfaithful words!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, and people began to crowd around us. Darren started to sit up from his chair and walked towards me.

"Olivia.. It's okay. Let's get out of here." Darren brought his hand out for me to take it. And I accepted it.

"Who that fuck is this fag?!" Travis yells, pointing at Darren.

Darren's eyes widened, as he turned around to glare at Travis. "Who the fuck is this asshole." Darren mocked, then smirked at Travis. "Oh, and I'm her best friend." His smirk turned into a cheeky smile is seconds. "Now, hun. Let's get out of here. Your boyfriend is waiting for you at your big mansion you both live in." He lied and I frowned in confusion. He then brought his head towards my ear to say something, "Just go along with it.." He whispered.

"Boyfriend? You moved on that quick?" Travis laughed in disbelief. And I turned to face him.

"Yeah, I did! And it's easy to move on when the person I loved betrayed me and slept with a hooker, then lived with that slut in our apartment that we bought together."

"Well, I'm sorry that I've made a mistake that I regret deeply!" I rolled my eyes. "I just wanted to say sorry. I miss you, and I love you so much." He stared at me and he brought his hands to my shoulders and I felt safe, and secure. But, then darkness came and I remembered what he did to me, and I backed away feeling disgusted. 

"I wouldn't come back with you even if my life depended on it." And just like that, I took Darren's arm an locked it with mine and exit the store. And I didn't look back.

Harry's POV

(Dm between Olivia and Harry)

Harry Styles:

How come you didn't say you lived in California? You could've said something, and we could of met at a decent place, at a decent time.

(5 minutes later)

Harry Styles:


(15 minutes later)

Harry Styles:

Olivia, are you there?

(30 minutes later)

Harry Styles:

Hello? Please answer me!

(30 hour later)

Harry Styles:

You know what? I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with you. You are just a fan.

How's everyone day?

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