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Olivia's POV

I was in my comfy warm bed trying to sleep, but there came a bang coming from my front door.

I quickly stood up. I was just wearing my silky black lace pajama shorts, and my matching lace top that goes with it. I grab my silk black and grey robe to cover myself, and then exited my room with nothing on my feet.

Before I opened the pounding behind the door. I checked the time, and it's 7am. Who the actual fuck knocks on someones door that early. Well, I guess we'll just find out.

I opened my front door, and rolled my eyes at the figure in front of me.

"What do you want, Darren?" I asked with real actual annoyance to my voice.

"I thought maybe we could go shopping. There's like this huge sale at this new store that has everything! They're opening at 8, and I just wanted to bring you along, and be early." He said with a huge grin on his face.

"Darren. You expect me to get ready under an hour?" He nodded.

  I looked at him and he was wearing red capris, and a black collar shirt with a red bow tie. He was also wearing sunglasses.

His hair was gelled back, because his natural hair is actually really curly. I always loved his curls, but he hated them for some reason.

Sometimes just to annoy him, I grab a bunch of his perfectly gelled hair and make it messy. It really gets him mad, and it's hilarious!

"Well, you look...different." I said trying not to laugh.

"Olivia, darling. I know, I look good. I dressed up for a reason, Hun." He says while stepping into my house and took a seat on one of my black leather couches. He forgot to close the door behind him, so I closed it for him.

"Oh, please! Tell me what's your reason, to look like a clown." He laughs, thinking I'm joking.

"Well, for your information honey. This store is going to be very popular when it opens up, and we might get to see some celebrities."

"I doubt they would even go." I say in disbelief.

"Wanna bet?" He glared at me, with a smirk. "Check Twitter..." He insisted.

I grabbed my phone from in my room, and came right back afterwards. I opened up the app, and went into my notifications to see a post from Daily Harry Styles.


@Harry_Styles spotted going towards new IT store in California. Fandom get ready!

You've got to be kidding me! When are they going stop following him 24/7? What do they expect him to do? It's not like he's going to get them a diamond ring and ask them to marry him

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You've got to be kidding me! When are they going stop following him 24/7? What do they expect him to do? It's not like he's going to get them a diamond ring and ask them to marry him. This isn't a fanfiction, this is reality.

I sighed to myself, feeling sorry for him. It must be really hard to do things with everyone knowing. Without having privacy. With people getting into your business. I wouldn't be able to live like that. Thank god, I can't sing.

"I really don't want to go, if there is going to be hundreds or thousands of people there just for Harry. It will be too crowded."

"Crowded? Didn't you tell me you were born in New York? Hah! That's even more crowded. Now. Get. Your. Ass. In. That. Shower. And. Get. Ready!" I rolled my eyes, and left giving him my famous middle finger, and he just smirked waving goodbye.


When I exited the shower, I wrapped my white towel around my soaked body. I brushed my hair trying to get out all the knots, then grabbed my blow dryer and plugged it in to dry my hair.

Once I finished drying my hair, I decided to put my hair into a messy bun. With success, I make the perfect bun.

I then did a quickie for my makeup. Just the basics. Mascara. Eyeliner. Nude lip. Eyeshadow. Then I was done with my makeup.

I grabbed one of my bathroom robes and wrapped it around my body, and then I went into my room to change.

I didn't really want to wear something immature for my age. So, I decided to wear a jean like material baggy shirt. And a pair of xanadu coloured skinny jeans. I turned, and grabbed my Camel Suede Chelsea Boots. Then I took my black and white striped scarf and wrapped it around my neck. Then I was finally finished.

On my way out of my room, I grabbed my purse/bag, before leaving.

"Ready?" I asked, really wanting to go leave. When Darren looked up he just stared at me for like five seconds before saying something.

"You look beautiful, Hun. You will definitely catch some eyes. Maybe even Harry's." He wiggled his eyebrows and winked.

"Oh, shut up, you moron." I slapped his chest playful, and we locked arms exiting my house.

I already had my phone on me in the car. I don't know whether I should tell Harry I'm going or not. Because I haven't told him where I lived yet. I'm not even sure if I do want to tell him, or meet him at all. I'd be so awkward around him. The only people I'm not awkward around is my family. And Darren is like an older brother. Since, he is 3 years older than me, after all.

My bun was getting a bit annoying. So, I decided to bring my hair back down.

I turned my data on, and went into my Twitter.


Going to this mysterious new popular store in a few, with @darebear25 he is BAE!!

Going to this mysterious new popular store in a few, with @darebear25 he is BAE!!

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