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Olivia's POV

"What the hell is going on? I was going to go buy a pair of cute jeans!" Darren shrieked, as he was holding the steering wheel driving us to Starbucks.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I paused and put my head in my hands, as I was frustrated. "He knows who I am!" I screamed a little bit annoyed.

"Calm down," he paused patting my head, but it got annoying so I slapped it away. "Who exactly knows who you are?" He asked while focusing on the road.

"Harry Fucking Styles!" His eyes widened, but they were still on the road.

"Yeah? What's the big deal? Anybody would dream to have him even know that they exist! You should be happy!" He encouraged, but I just shook my head.

"Well, I'm not everyone else. I am a fan, don't get me wrong. But if he knew who I was in real life, he wouldn't want to talk to me anymore." I explained, as he pulled into Starbucks parking lot. He then turned off the car, and faced me with a serious face.

"Olivia. You are my number one best friend in the entire world. You're actually really funny, outgoing and a beautiful person. I'm not saying this as you're my best friend. I'm saying this as a human being who has eyes, and a brain. And, if that boy didn't have eyes or a brain then he'd think differently," he paused. "And the last time I checked, he was human." He then pulled be into a hug, and I could feel a little bit of tears coming from my eyes. I stuffed my head in the crook of his neck.

"Do you really think that?" I asked still sobbing.

"I have no doubt about it." I smiled against his skin, then we pulled away.

"You are literally the greatest person I've ever met, in the entire world. You know that, right?" I asked.

"Oh. I know it, honey." He winked, as I laughed wiping away the rest of the tears.


"What're you getting?"

"Ermm... I have no clue. What are you getting?" I asked looking around at the menu, walking further into the line.

"I might get a Caramel Frap, or I might get a Coffee Frap. I can't choose which one I should pick.." He said frustrated.

"I have an idea!" I said but it came out as a yell, and people starting to stare.

"Shhhh!" He shushed me. "What's your idea?" He asked, and I grinned.

"How about, we get both. You pick which drink you want more and I'll take the one you didn't pick. And if you want some, all you have to do is ask. It's not like we haven't shared drinks before." I say, and he nodded in agreement.

"That doesn't sound like a horrible idea. Sure. It won't hurt to share saliva with you." He paused. "Or, will it?" He raised his eyebrow smirking, and I just slapped his chest, just making him let out an over dramatic 'ouch'. And, I just chuckled to myself.

"And, for your information. No. It will not." I gave him a fake smile. Then it was my turn to go order.

"What's your names?"

"Olivia, and Darren."

"How may I take your order?"

"May I have one grande Caramel Frap, and another grande Coffee Frap. Thank you"

As I finished our order, both Darren and I went over to where our drinks were being made. It was actually cool seeing how much calories they put into our drinks. But, I don't mind.

When they finished making our drinks, I gave them the money.

Darren and I, both took our seats at a two seater table and enjoyed our fraps. And, talked about random stuff.

"May I have a sip. Pretty, please?" He batted his lashes, and gave me a puppy face.

"Only if I get a sip from yours." I then copied the same face expression on his face.

"Deal!" He shrieked, and people stared but we didn't care we just laughed like crazy people.

After awhile of sipping each other drinks we decided not switch back. I was enjoying the sweet caramel taste, and he enjoyed the coffee aftertaste.

Once I was finished my drink I decided to stand up and throw it out. But, Darren wasn't finished so he just sat alone like a lost puppy.

As I threw out my drink, I felt somebody tap onto my shoulder. I automatically assumed it was Darren. But, when I turned around it was someone who I wasn't expecting to see at all...

Who's this mysterious person? 

How'd you guys like this chapter? I know it was short, but I do make each chapter short. Because, I make a chapter everyday at random times.

Please comment and tell me what you think.

And please vote so I know I should keep going

Love y'all!

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