Chapter 4 - Swept Away, I'm Stolen

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A/N - Hey guys, so now that I'm back I've been re-reading the Modest books. Im announcing that Modest Secrets is being re-written with new chapters/slight story changes and additional content that will be available partially on wattpad then in complete novel form on SmashWords. Only because I've grown so much as a writer and the story doesn't gel with me as much as the later novels do. So expect Modest Beginnings (Pre-Series, on how Harry and Louis got together), Modest Beginnings Prologue is now available if you look on my main page! Let me know what you think of it and of the cover. Secondly, there will be a complete Modest Secrets overhaul. I don't know if you'll read it but I'm doing it, I owe it to myself as a writer and to my characters. It will be more brutal, more intense and make the Modest Series explode, just like my writing ability has improved so will the story! I'm loving the readers enjoying the new content, it's a lot of fun! XO XO SherlockSweetheart –

Swept Away, I'm Stolen

Saskia took Zayn's hand, she looked at him and let out a breath. "Well," she sighed, "Is your group always so dramatic?"

He swayed on his feet, laughed and tore his eyes away from the doors still swinging after Niall barrelled through them. "You could say that," he said. Zayn looked down at her hand in his, he dropped it and didn't meet her eyes. "You should go."

She pursed her lips, "Why is that?"

He stared at her, his eyes studying her in the faint moonlight. "Why the hell would you stay?"

She shrugged, "We have some talking to do."

He looked at his watch, "I'm done talking, it's late."

"Then, we can go back to–"

He cut her off, "I'm not sleeping with you."

She laughed, "That's rich, coming from you."

Zayn narrowed his eyes, "Why else would you want me to come to your room?"

"It's not all sex, Zayn. Just because you're a superstar..." She rolled her eyes, "We could talk?"

"What more can I say?"

"Did you ever think I had something to say?" she snapped. Saskia felt her skin prickle, he was so self-centred. She stepped closer, "Don't I at least deserve to talk after what you–"

His eyes widened, "What I did to you? Are you kidding?" Now he was angry, she could see it in the way his body tensed, the vein throbbing in his neck. "I haven't seen you in, what?" He paused, in thought, "Three years."

"Give or take," she snapped.

"Time changes everything," He said as he shuffled on the spot with his hands in his pockets.

She nodded.

"I can't help what happened, what you–"

"What I did to myself?" She laughed, so loudly that Harry looked over at the two of them. "You're kidding, aren't you?"


She stepped closer, threw her finger in his face. "You're the one who gave me the drugs. The one who begged me to come upstairs, to be alone and–"

"I didn't ask for any of that," Zayn shouted back, his cheeks heated.

"For what happened to me, or what you chose to do afterwards?" She snarled, "Seemed like you were asking pretty desperately to take my clothes off."

He blushed, "I was a different person then."

"It doesn't change what happened, our choices define us," Saskia's voice softened. She could see how much he'd changed, that innocent boy with too much money and fame was gone. Now, the man that stood in front of her was nothing like the kid she first met. His eyes alone told anyone that saw him, he had seen and felt so much. There was hurt, confusion and fear behind his eyes. Watching how he reacted when Niall was on the roof said it all, instead of running to Niall's aid or screaming in panic, he said, 'not again.'

It made her feel sick to her core, how much more could these boys take? She hated Zayn, hated him for what he did to her until she saw him tonight. He wasn't a monster, he was a broken human clinging to hope.

Silence hung in the air, she didn't drop her gaze from his. Her heart was racing, it had been so long since she'd spoken to him alone. It was rare to get the boys separated from each other, rare to have Zayn sober and lucid enough to confront. She'd had a few opportunities at concerts and events, but she never got the gall to speak to him. Yes, they'd crossed paths but she always found her mind psyched her out before she could find the will to finally speak up and tell him how she felt.

He had consumed her thoughts for so long, had she ever crossed his mind?

"That's not fair," he said and his voice shook, breaking her instantly from her reverie.

She ran a hand through her hair, the night air was cold and she shuddered but truthfully was unsure if that was because of the wind or his voice. The sound of his voice set her on edge, it was soft unlike his demeanour which was hard, rigid. He always had a way He folded his arms, "You took those drugs, you were the one that almost overdosed and–"

"And you're the one who left me there, called the ambulance and took off. You're the one that slandered my name all over the media saying, 'I don't know her, and she's just some junkie fan'..."

Zayn blanched, his eyes studied her face but he began to chew on his bottom lip. "I never said those things," he whispered.

"I never asked to be your junkie fan, I met you at that party," Saskia wasn't stepping down, she waited so long to see him, confront him.

"Saskia," he said her name and it sent a wave of emotions through her body like a clap of lightning. "Please, you have to understand–"

"No! You have to understand!"

Yet all the anger she felt, all the hate and betrayal she harboured seemed to slip from her grip the longer she spoke to him. Zayn wasn't this enormous enemy, he wasn't filled with angry and the more she looked at him... he looked so broken and lost.

Saskia had thought of herself as a victim, played into his hand by booze and the excitement of who he was. Then she woke up in hospital being hounded by paparazzi and ditched by her devoutly religious family. She was alone, she was desolate and she was angry.

Then, to her complete shock, he started to cry. "I can't do this anymore."

"Wh..." she almost choked on her words. "What?"

"I have to go," he replied and shook his head as he took off for the elevator.

Saskia wanted to call out to him, to tell him she forgave him. She wanted to apologise for pushing him when he was already down.

She was frozen in place.

He walked away, shaking his head and never looked back.

"Let me help you," she whispered.

He stepped into the elevator with one of the guards and didn't look up at her as the doors closed.

She hated herself, for making things worse for him and for not seeing how badly shaken he already was. Liam's wedding was supposed to be a happy occasion but no one was smiling. There were more tears shed at this wedding then at a funeral, she was sure. Saskia stood on the roof, people began to clean up the mess but she didn't move. She continued staring at the elevator, wishing she'd done things differently. Maybe I shouldn't have come tonight at all...

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