Chapter 5 - Let the Sky Fall

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Let the sky fall

Rain lightly spits from the night sky, Harry closes his eyes and looks up as the rain falls on his face. He sucked in a deep breath in the hopes the rain would wash away his anxiety, all the thoughts that flooded every waking moment. Liam's wedding was supposed to be perfect, happy and drama free. He smiled to himself, drama was always around when Dakota was near.

Louis voice brought Harry back to reality, "What's so funny?"

Harry opened one eye and turned his head to look at Louis, "I was just thinking that drama was always close to Dakota."

Louis smiled and took Harry's hand in his own, he gently played with his fingers. "She does know how to make an entrance."

Harry shuddered at the feel of Louis' gentle touch, "Do you think she's in there? The real her?"

"I don't know," Louis replied.

Harry felt his stomach sink, everything had escaped him. "I feel like everything's different, if I blink I'm worried it will all fall away... again."

Louis pulled out his phone, "Not this."

Harry frowned, "What?"

"Shh," Louis replied with a knowing smile.

The music started, Louis placed the phone on a nearby chair and began to sing along.

"I wrote this, for us," Harry said in a breathless voice. Louis' small gesture made him weak at the knees. Everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours fell away. All that was left was him and Louis, always.

Louis held out his hand for Harry, "Shall we?" He smirked, lines formed around his eyes as he laughed.

Harry sighed and took Louis' hand eagerly, "They don't know about the up all nights, they don't know I've waited all my life," He breathed the words into the crook of Louis' neck and Louis shuddered at the lyrics.

"Where it all started," Louis was like jelly in Harry's arms.

They slow danced, ironically in the rain on the rooftop with no one around. Confetti and empty glasses surrounded their feet, the rain began to fall heavily. Neither stopped dancing, Louis sung along to each and every word, Harry felt so happy he could burst. "They don't know about us," Louis whispered.

Harry put a hand on Louis' cheek, he said nothing as he studied every inch of his lover in the rain. "Remember when things were easier?"

Louis laughed, he looked up at Harry with his piercing blue eyes and blinked back the rain that fell in his eyes. "You mean when our biggest problem was being gay?"

Harry kissed Louis, so softly and so slowly that he felt lost in the feel of Louis' lips. "You were gay, I was preyed on by you when I least expected it."

Louis threw his head back, laughing loudly now as they danced together. "I don't remember it like that."

Harry kissed Louis again, "I do."

"Do you ever wish we could go back?" Louis asked.

Harry pressed his forehead to Louis', he sucked in a deep breath. "Despite all the loss, all the mistakes there's also so much good."

Louis was silent.

"You and me," Harry kissed him.

"Flynn," Louis whispered when he finally pulled away from Harry's deep kiss.

Harry's heart was racing, "On a good day–" he kissed Louis again, "–Dakota."

Louis snorted, loudly. "Only on her good days," he joked.

"God, she was so..."

"Menacing, psychotic, manipulative–"

Harry cut Louis off, "demanding."

"Brilliant," Louis said as he gripped Harry's hand tightly and spun him around, even though the music had stopped.

"Wicked," Harry laughed. "I miss that."

"I don't," Louis replied. "She was–"

"Yes, she was awful but she's also been like family..." Harry let the words hang in the air.

He didn't need to mention the drugs, the hospital and jail or even Louis first initial breakdown that she caused. She was like family, ingrained in their very beings. Despite travelling the world, being inundated with fans and losing nearly all privacy Dakota was home.

"You're my family too," Louis said as he pulled Harry close.

"Forever, I hope?"

"That depends," Louis teased.

"On what?"

"We can't ever go back to where we were," Louis said with a serious expression. He didn't need to elaborate, Harry had a lifetime of memories to fill in the blanks. Memories of being without Louis, seeing Louis with Ava in the papers and the thought of Logan made a lump form in his throat. "Harry?"

Harry blinked, he didn't realise he'd zoned out at the memory of lost friends and loved ones. Porters face flashed in his mind and he tensed, "We can't ever go back."

Louis sighed, "I miss them too."

"I know you do," Harry silenced Louis' reply with a kiss that heated quickly. Louis hand found the side of harry's face with ease. The feel of Louis in his arms, his soft skin and the way he would shudder at the slightest touch was muscle memory to him. Every movement, every freckle was ingrained in his mind and Louis would always be etched there.

That thought struck him, he wondered if Niall had ever felt the same way about Dakota. Wondered if they had hope for forever, for an eternity of counting stars and kissing freckles, holding hands and fighting every other day. Harry felt sick, he would die if Louis ever forgot him.

"I finally know how Niall feels," Harry said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Louis stepped back, he stopped dancing. "What?"

"I have every inch of you etched into my memory, you are apart of me. I realised," Harry felt his eyes burn with the threat of tears. "I realised how lucky we are, that despite it all you remember me and I every second of being with you."

Louis stared, he was now soaked and his messy hair stuck to the sides of his face. He, too was hit with the weight of Harry's realisation. "Niall doesn't have that," Louis said.

"Because he's a stranger to her," Harry said and rubbed the water from his eyes.

Louis didn't say another word, he ran to his phone and picked it up. It was three am but he dialled a number frantically.

Harry opened his mouth to ask what he was doing.

Louis held up a finger, "I know it's late."

He listened to the response.

Harry heard nothing.

"Yes," Louis nodded. "Can you come back?" He laughed, "Yes, now."

There was a pause.

"I'll give you however much you need," Louis beamed. "Great, see you in a few."

"What the–"

"Harold," Louis grabbed Harry's hands and danced wildly in the rain. "Don't worry your pretty little head about a thing. Louis has it all sorted," he laughed and kissed the tip of Harry's nose. "You just made me realise how fast everything can change."

"I did?" Harry laughed as Louis spun Harry around again and again in the pouring rain.

On the rooftop, as the world slept on the two found some happiness together. 

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