Chapter 6 - Without You and I

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The car circles the block, repeatedly and Jennifer doesn't say a word. Her mind is racing and she feels sick, as they turn into the laneway towards International Departures she swallows a scream. Liam slumps in the seat, madly calling Valerie and the rest of the Media Relations team that he actually trusts. He hisses down the phone, arguing with them and swearing that someone will pay for this.

Jennifer rolls her eyes, it was supposed to be a happy night. A night filled with guilt-free sex and champagne. A night without their baby and their friends, just the two of them totally happy and completely in love.

Some things never change, the screams start as they near the airport. The flashes of numerous cameras follow, almost blinding them behind the tinted glass. Jennifer stares at her hands, fumbles with the ring on her finger.

"It's going to be fine," Liam says over his shoulder to Jennifer. "I promise."

She doesn't look up at him, blonde curls fall in her face and shroud her eyes. "Okay," Jennifer replies, though she doesn't believe him.

Valerie is standing in the crowd, shrieking at people and waving her hands. Two enormous security guards stand between her and the media. Jennifer cannot hear what Valerie's saying, the look in her menacing eyes says it all. She is unhappy that the media she controls, is now disobeying.

"Shit," Liam growls as he watches the crowd.

Police and security fight to keep the fans back, they wave posters and phones. Some signs say 'Liam's mine,' and 'wedding sham.' Jennifer's eyes widen at the one reading, 'we hate you,' and 'Dakota's copycat.' Liam shakes his head, puts his face in his hands and grumbles to himself.

Jennifer can hardly hear him as he hisses, "This was not what was supposed to happen."

The visor between the driver and the seemingly unhappy couple slowly lowers, "Hey guys, the driver begins. "Valerie says that," he pauses. "Well, she says that you should enjoy the media attention."

Liam snarls, "You're joking, right?"

"When has Valerie ever joked?" Jennifer replied dryly.

Liam reached out for her hand, she shuddered away.

"Jen," His voice was soft.

Jennifer didn't meet his eyes, "You heard them." She gestured to the screaming fans, "Get out. That's what Valerie wants."

The car pulled up.

The flashing of cameras intensified, the lights and screams became heightened and she felt so vulnerable. "You can't get out with him," the driver said solemnly.

"Jen," Liam said again his voice sounding hoarse and broken. "Jen, listen–"

"Go," She hissed.


Go!" This time she almost screamed as she gestured to the door.

Valerie rushed to the window with the guards, the fans sobbed and screamed his name. They waved the signs, hollered love for Liam and the band and hate for his secret girlfriend. Photographers and reporters lined the footpath and blocked the doors, Liam could hardly get out of the car. Before he opened the door he looked back, "You'll meet me on the tarmac, won't you?"

"Yep," Jennifer replied.

He sucked in a deep breath, forced a smile and darted out of the car to his adoring fans. The screaming exploded to a crescendo, he waved and posed for photos. Jennifer watched from her seat hidden in the car, an offsider.

"Miss Payne?" The driver broke the silence.

She looked up at him, swiped at her eyes.

"Miss Payne, I'm instructed to take you to the loading bay. Security will be waiting with a change of clothes, they will escort you out through the baggage area as to avoid being seen." There was a long pause after he spoke, he waited for a reply but when she said nothing he cleared his throat. "Miss Payne?"

"I heard you," She said.

She bit her lip, almost broke the skin. Liam disappeared behind the flashing cameras and the crowd swelled in slow movements to follow him. She was left behind, in the shadows like a dirty secret. Jennifer realised, in disgust that she and Flynn would always be hidden.

How can I let my son be sidelined?

"Shall we go?" The driver asked in a somber tone.

Jennifer didn't move, she stared at her hand as thoughts raced through her head and her body rolled with waves of nausea. "Wait," Jennifer said in a small voice. "I..."

"Miss Payne?"

"I just need a fucking minute!" She snapped.

He turned into a carpark, stopped the car and pulled the key from the ignition.


Should she stay or go? Is this her future? Secrets were woven among every moment of her relationship with Liam. From the very moment they met it was a secret, her love for Liam all a lie. Until finally she fell for him and everything fell apart, what started as false ended in heartache and a beautiful baby boy. Liam promised things would change and she believed him, but now... watching him shuffle through the crowd and smile to the cameras without her was devastating.

The veil of the wedding and every second of perfection that came with saying 'i do,' dissipated like fog. Jennifer could almost pinpoint the exact moment everything shifted, the haze that surrounded their bliss was slowly drawing back. Dawning on Jennifer was the realisation that their happy ending wasn't all it was promised to be.

Her phone began to ring, she felt it vibrating on the seat next to her in a gold clutch. She closed her eyes, knowing what she should do and what she wanted to do as two conflicting things.

It felt like everything was going wrong, like her future was falling apart and she could see what was ahead of them. Jennifer saw what she was becoming, a secret, Liam's shame and Flynn along with her would ruin his career. "I can't do that to him," She whispered into her hands and began to cry. 

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