Chapter 9 - Love me harder

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A/N - This chapter gets dirty, real quick and I'm not sorry even a little. 

Dedicated to MarieTay who absolutely binged this series, and I loved every. single. comment. 


'Love me harder' – Ariana Grande

'Into You' – Ariana Grande

Then take my breath and never let it go

"I want to make it whole again," Louis whispered as he kissed Harry's knuckles.

Harry stared out the window of the car as they drove past the quiet streets, the sun had now risen and the world was slowly waking up. His skin tingled at the feel of Louis' lips, "Make what whole again?"

Louis smiled, he looked up between the mess of his brown fringe, "You, me the apartment."

"The Loft?" Harry averted his eyes from the streets. "My Loft?"

"Yes, baby," Louis breathed as he leant closer to Harry.

Harry glanced to the front of the car, Luke met his eyes in the rear view mirror. "Luke?"

"You tell me, I'm just the driver."

"Please," Louis almost purred with seduction, the heat of his breath on Harry's neck was all it took. The sound of his voice, the feel of his fingers as they ran up and down his arm and he was lost.

"Loft," Harry replied, he cleared his throat as he shifted his body. The feel of Louis so close, so intoxicated on Harry left him hard.

Drunk on each other, on the joy and building anticipation that resides beneath Harry's skin they sit in an unmarked car on the way to his Loft. Instead of a hotel, of a honeymoon suite they settle on his loft, where so much changed for the worse and for better.

Just like Louis and Harry, the Loft was a part of their lives, it was where Harry made love to Logan as he tried to forget about Logan. Where Louis first faced Harry after running away to America and the place where Rachel pushed Jennifer down the stairs. It was a place of darkness, a place that represented all the rage and heartache that bombarded Harry's life for months.

Harry turned he looked into Louis face, Louis was tired and dark circles lined his eyes but he had also never looked more alive. Louis smiled, his lips turned to a wicked grin. "You're mine, Styles."

Harry bristled, "No matter what?"

"Whatever the weather," Louis chuckled, he undid his seatbelt and edged closer. He nuzzled his face into Harry's neck, kissed his jawline with heated breaths.


"I want you," Louis confessed.

Harry opened his mouth to reply, Louis hand slid to Harry's bulging crotch and squeezed. Harry let out a groan he couldn't contain, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Louis," He hissed.

The car slowed, then the shouts and cameras began. Louis shot away from Harry as if he had been electrocuted. No matter how badly he wanted to fuck Harry senseless, Louis knew not to be stupid when cameras were around.

Harry almost wished they could see into the dark car, could watch as Louis sucked him dry outside the apartment. Maybe then the world would finally see them for who they are, gay. Maybe then, the scandal of boy-bander's fucking would take over the media and they could face it together. You wish, his mind chided.

Luke ran a hand through his cropped, dark hair and said, "Who wants to go out first?"

"Of the closet?" Louis snorted. "Me."

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