Chapter 7 - I'm gonna marry the night

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Dedicated to @FakeFacade who has been with me, with this book from the very beginning and I know will be there until the very end.

The rain stopped, the wind was light and Harry was frowning at Louis. "What are you up to?" He asked.

Louis silenced Harry with a kiss, it was soft but there was a ferocity in the way Louis grabbed Harry's waist and pulled him closer.

The elevator chimed, Louis pulled away from Harry panting. He wiped his lips with the back of his shirt sleeve, "He's here."

Harry, adjusted his jeans to hide the raging erection that was momentarily pressed against Louis' thigh. "Who?" He asked, cheeks flushed a deep red.

Louis let out a nervous laugh, he could feel butterflies in his stomach as they burst to life at the sight of the celebrant.

The middle aged man with dark skin and hazel eyes smiled at the two boys, "I believe you called for me?" He asked with a smile and held out his hand for Louis.

Louis beamed, "Change of plans."

"Sorry?" Harry was a little baffled, "What is going on?"

Louis laughed and raised his hands into the air, "No more waiting?"

Harry stilled, Louis watched his face as realisation dawned on him. His eyes welled, his face turned into the most beautiful smile Louis had ever seen. "Oh," his voice was soft.

Louis stepped forward, broke the distance between them and held Harry's hands tightly, "I just figured after everything we talked about-"

"Yes!" Harry replied and gripped Louis' around the waist. He hoisted him into the air with an excited squeal, spun Louis around. "Yes," he said over and over.

Louis laughed, the sound filled the empty air and nuzzled his face in Harry's hair. "I love you," he breathed, "So much."

Harry stopped spinning and placed Louis back onto the ground, he looked up at the celebrant then back to Louis. His brows knit together, "the boys?"

Luke cleared his throat as he stepped through the elevator, he smiled at Harry. "They'll understand, don't you think?"

Harry let out a relieved sigh, he locked eyes with Louis. "Yeah," he whispered, his thumb rubbing back and forth on the back of Louis hand. "They'll understand."

"Luke," The man in the grey suit with slick back hair and a broad smile gestured. "Will you be the witness?"

Louis beamed, "Yes!"

Luke blanched, "Me?"

"Yes, you!" Harry bounded forward and wrapped an arm around Luke. "You've been with us since the start..."

Luke smiled, he pulled the earpiece from his ear and nodded. "Of course."

"You let us sneak out, back before Louis and I-"

Louis cut Harry off with wide eyes, "That's right Luke distracted Valerie and would let us go out."

Luke chuckled, "I'm surprised I still have a job."

"You're part of the fucked-up-family, now!" Harry squeezed the back of Luke's neck, a gesture of brotherhood and reassurance. "Please, stay?"

"Okay," Luke smiled. "I'd be honoured."

Louis looked down at the floor, streamers and bottles, cigarettes and confetti covered almost every inch of the rooftop. Chairs strewn, Jennifer's garter slung over a chair and an empty DJ booth. His heart raced as he looked around, he picked up a white rose from one of the chairs and put it into the pocket of his shirt.

Modest Seduction - Book 7 (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now