Chapter 10 - Right here before your eyes, I'm breaking

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The last time - Taylor Swift (Feat. Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol)

Right before your eyes, I'm breaking

Niall calls one of the guards, the arrive in a blacked out SUV behind the building where Liam, Jennifer, Harry and Louis each got married. Dakota wraps her arms around herself, she looks so fragile and small. Niall wants to put his arms around her, hold her and breathe in her smell. He wants to brush the tears from her cheeks, wants to run his hand through her hair but he can't. He know's being with her, it's the last time he'll ever study her as if she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

Niall swallows as he gestures for the car, she looks at him warily. He hardly recognises her, she's so pale and thin. Her curves are gone, her trademark brown tresses of hair are cut off. He wants to ask her what happened at the hospital, he doesn't.

Niall worries if he asks her anything else, she might fall apart.

I need you, as much as you need me.

He slides into the car next to her, looks at his phone and considers calling the Police. He needs to inform them that she's with them, needs to tell them something terrible happened at the hospital. Instead he texts Abigail, at least she knew when Dakota was found. She also knows the truth, Dakota is alive and Daisy is the sister that jumped off the roof.

He hoped that the boys wouldn't lose it at him when they found out he blurted to her, especially because she was sleeping with a cop.

Dakota is silent, her face pressed to the cold window and her eyes closed. He wants to touch her, holds himself back. Niall can't help but reminisce over everything that happened between them. Let go, his mind begs him but he can't.

Not yet.

His phone rings, Dakota jumps and turns to look at him with wide eyes.

"It's okay," he whispers.

She takes in a shaky breath, he offers his hand to her. She stares at him with an eyebrow raised, so he places his hand palm up on the leather between them.

"Abigail, I'm sorry to bother you," he says and looks away from Dakota. Her eyes, her face and the blank expression she has when she looks at him is painful.

'Is she okay?' Abigail's voice is croaky, 'have you called the Police, yet?'

"Yes, she's as okay as can be expected." He sucks in a deep breath, "No, to the second question."

'Niall,' she says his name in a long whine. 'If they find out you–'

"I know."

'–And then they'll take–'

"I know!" He snaps. Niall takes in a deep breath, "You think I don't know that."

'We have to find out what happened at the hospital, you need to speak to her.' Abigail sounds like she's out of breath, getting dressed or walking somewhere. 'I'll meet you at the Police station and then–'

He doesn't skip a beat, "No."

The thought of losing Dakota, again is too much. He closes his eyes, swallows the lump forming in his throat.

'I know this is incredibly hard but she has to–'

He cuts her off, again. "We have no idea what's happened in the months she's been gone. We have no idea who took her or why and now that I have her back you want to take her away, again?" Niall's voice breaks.

'If the men at the hospital, if your new managers have anything to do with her disappearance. She isn't safe,' she pauses, letting it sink in. 'We have to involve authorities, they have access to things that we don't. I can't, none of us want to lose her. We can't watch you go through that again and if something were to happen. Can you imagine if she never came back?'

The thought is like a slap to his face, his entire body stiffens. As if Dakota can sense his horror, her small hand slips into his. A small gesture, she squeezes it tightly. He feels electricity vibrate throughout his body, her touch breathes life into him.

'Niall?' Abigail sounds worried.

"I won't let that happen."

'Whoever took her, wasn't playing by the rules. For her sake, Niall, we have to follow them.' She isn't arguing with him, she's telling him and deep down Niall know's she's right. 'Let me help you?'

"Give her today, let her sleep and then you can do what you need to."

Abigail let's out a long breath, 'We'll find out who did this and we'll make them pay and keep her safe. I promise.'

Niall closes his eyes, holds tightly to Dakota's hand and wonders how long this small connection is going to last. His stomach twists at the thought of her letting go.

"I don't believe in promises anymore," Niall replies.

Dakota promised she'd always love him, look how that turned out.

The SUV pulls up outside Zayn's house, the electric gates begin to open. Abigail promises to call him in the morning and that she's getting a team together to start working with Police. They're looking into every detail of Dakota's disappearance, the men in the hospital and Management.

Niall hangs up the phone and looks over at Dakota. She stares at the house, unfamiliar territory in her eyes. He feels sorry for her, she doesn't even recognise her own home.

She turns to face him, he is staring at their hands intertwined. When she see's the look on his face, she yanks her hand away and slips it inside the sleeve of her jumper. "Sorry," she whispers.

"Don't be," he replies. I'm not.

They climb out of the car and the guard hands Niall his backpack, a set of house keys and asks if he needs anything else.

They walk to the door, Dakota takes in the house and pathway with fresh eyes. She walks with unease behind him, shifts her weight between her feet as he fumbles for the right key.

When they enter the hallway, he flicks on a light. "Welcome home, Dakota."

She doesn't say anything, she looks like she's going to cry. She walks forward and he watches her. As she steps into the living area, the kitchen to her right and the open plan lounge room. On one wall are photos, framed and some polaroids stuck to the edges of frames.

A few platinum, framed albums are above the fireplace and on the mantle are more recent photos. Before everything changed and Dakota forgot it all, they were one big messy family.

Dakota walks to the mantle, sucks in a deep breath when she see's a photo of her and Niall holding hands and staring up at the stars next to the swimming pool. Another of Dakota on Harry's lap as she throws her head back in laughter, one with Louis holding her in a headlock. Another is her and Jennifer holding hands outside a hotel.

Her hand trails along the photos of Jennifer and Liam, Flynn and Harry. She stares at a photo of her and Porter embraced in a passionate kiss. Her fingers brush against Porter's face, tears roll down her flushed cheeks.

Niall leans against the kitchen counter, his heart racing. He can't help but hope some photo will trigger her. Hope is a dangerous thing, it can build or break a person. Every second that Dakota lingers over each photo, it breaks him even more.

"I don't remember," she whispers and he barely catches the words. "I don't remember any of it." She begins to cry, enormous heaving sobs erupt and he rushes to her. "I need a friend, Niall."

"I'm right here," he promises.

They sit together on the black couch, he holds her tightly as she falls apart. Her head on his lap, he strokes her short hair and whispers over and over. "I'm right here." 

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